2002 Spectator stand
I build this Blood Bowl game spectator stand as an entry for the Golden Demon Gamesday 2002 at Cologne, Germany. This time the focus should be on the stand and not at the game field. So i ordered, after checking some Games Workshop catalogs, 32 miniatures from GW mailorder US and UK, because it was Read the full article…
2003 Games Day Orc team
That is my converted Blood Bowl Orc Team “ Moguntia Wreckers „. It took me more than 3 months conversion and painting time to finish this team for the German Games Day 2003. And, after the last year try with the “ Blood Bowl Stand „, this year i won a silver “ Golden Demon Read the full article…
2003 Legacy Team TBB
In the year 2003 some members of the TalkBloodBowl forum (TBB) ask in a post, if other member like to do a “ TBB Legacy Team“. After some discussions and some internet polls the race and the main colors of the team were chosen. Now every TBBmember, wishing to take part on this project, had Read the full article…
2004 Games Day Big Orc Blitzer
For the Golden Demon Competition of the German Gamesday 2004 i was not allowed to bring a entry for the Blood Bowl Category as i won a prize in this category last year. But still i wanted to make something “ Blood Bowl “ stylish … I´m getting the newletter of Forgeworld every few week. Read the full article…
2004 Street Bowl Pitch
Some members of the TalkFantasyFootball forum ( „Norse“,“I_dauguet“ and „Niels“) thought about a variante of Blood Bowl. And after five months writing and testing, December 2003, the first version of the rules was published at TBB forum. Here some words of one of the designers: “ It’s designed to be fun, it’s designed to be Read the full article…
2004 Dugout
While visiting the DungeonBowl Tournament 2004 i saw some well homemade Blood Bowl dugouts. Well, i thought, i should try to build a Dugout for my team, too. As i wanted to use it for gameplay and not as a Blood Bowl diorama, i had to keep enough space in the single compartments for KOs Read the full article…
2004 Legacy Team NAF
After the success of the TBB Legacy Team 2003 some members of NAF decided: Lets do a NAF Legacy team, too. Same internet discussions later everybody agreed to use the NAF colors black, red and white. The theme for this team should be the new Vampire team. Some of the new vampire minis were sponsered Read the full article…
2005 Legacy Team TBB
In January 2005 again at the TBB forum it was decided, to paint another TBB Legacy Team. This time, after some discussion about races and colors, it should be a Skaventeam. And the colorschema should be „Bleached Bone“ and „Tartan“. Tartan like a scotisch Tartan ?! Quite a challange as it seems not easy to Read the full article…
2006 Human Team „Moguntia 06“
After playing my trusted Orc-Team “ Moguntia Wreckers“ quite a few years at leagues and tournaments i decided to try a new team with a bit more agility. But i needed also someone stronger than Elves,too ! So the new miniatures of the 5th Edition Games Workshop Humans just arrived with a perfect timing. After Read the full article…
2008 Elf Team „Moguntia Sweeties“
This Gridiron Elf Team of the Australian miniatures company „Shadowforge“ was the first full non GW team which i painted. I bought the miniatures quite some time ago and started painting them while on a holiday 2003 in Cuba. Just after done the base colors i put them back on the shelfs and started 2008 Read the full article…
2009 Chaos Team „Chaos All Stars“ Remake
In the White Dwarf 114 (June 1989), Phil Lewis showed some of his Chaos All Star Bloodbowl team. Four other miniatures were shown in WD121 January 1990. Most of those miniatures came from the official 2nd Edition Blood Bowl miniatures. But some were also sculpted by Philas unique miniatures just for his team. The original Read the full article…
2010 Goblin Team “ Pink Panthers“
This Goblin team was produced by Neomics. At first there was just one troll. So i converted one as a second troll for this team. Later a real second troll and a Ball-and-Chain goblin were produced. I added a Neomic Orc as coach of the team and i still have a unpainted Apothecary. Also it Read the full article…
2011 Chaos Dwarf Team „Moguntia Blackbeards“
All miniatures were sculpted 2011 and on sale from August 2011 by „Greebo Games“. The very compact, heavy metall miniatures were well casted. Most of the miniatures come as single pieces and the Bulls are multi part miniatures, which needed some greenstuffing. I started to paint this team 2011 and finished it 2014. I didnt Read the full article…
2012 Amazon Team „Moguntia Klosterfrauen“
I started painting this Nun team, produced by the Australian company Shadowforge, while on holiday at Canarian Islands 2012 and after a 4 years break I finished it 2016 while on a short holiday again. Because i dont think that i will play with this team, there are no position colorings, no numbers and not Read the full article…
2012 Norse Team „Moguntia Ice Crushers“
Quite some time ago i started to paint this very nice Norse team produced by Greebo Miniatures. After a long break i finished it. It took some time to get all miniatures of this team in perfect condition, but Greebo Miniatures send me very fast replacements for miscasts and missing parts/miniatures. Very customer friendly service! Read the full article…
2013 Halfling Team „Moguntia Mainzelmaennchen“
My now quite well known Halfling team produced by Willy Miniatures. As teamname i choose „Moguntia Mainzelmaennchen“ after the famous Mainzelmaennchen Comic characters of the German TVstation ZDF i´m working for. The miniatures were easy to clean. I just removed the face of this halfling looking from the back of the treeman starplayer because i Read the full article…
2014 Dwarf Team „Moguntia Hammers“
A very nice and easy to paint Dwarf team with lots of great additionals miniatures and items was produced by Virgil Games. The metal casts are fantastic with sharp edges, which, IMO, helps a lot at clean painting. After some squares predrawing with a pencil i decided myself finaly for a green / white colorschema. Read the full article…
2014 Vampire Team „Moguntia Suckers“
Willy Miniatures crowdfunded this Fantasy Football Vampire Team June 2014 through Indiegogo very succesfully. Some of the miniatures are multi-part miniatures, but the parts fit well. The casts are realy good, just a few moldlines, which are easy to remove. Some of the miniatures are not perfect balanced so maybe some baseweights will help to Read the full article…
2015 Amazones Team „Moguntia Wildgirls“
A very nice team, produced by Willy Miniatures, very well sculpted and good casts. I just broke some legs while basing the miniatures and had to pin them. The colorschema should be a bit brighter and still have a „amazon-look“. So the green look and orange as contrast color with warm skincolor. Someone told me Read the full article…
2016 Ogre Team „Moguntia All Blacks“
„Hungry Troll“ is a small spanish company and this Ogre team was the first Fantasy Football team, 3D sculpted by Sergi Torres, which this company produced. Some greenstuffing and base-pining was necessary to assemble the big miniatures of this metal team. And quite a surprise… all „only one leg on the ground“ ogres keep standing Read the full article…
2017 Skaven Team „Moguntia Rats“
Another very nice sculpted team by Pedro „Poncho“ Ramos and produced by Meiko Miniatures. I painted this team 2017 while waiting for some frogs. I mostly used Andrea Color paints for this team again with some GW metal paints and GW washes. The worst part to paint were all those teeth. Every rat is showing Read the full article…
2019 P-Orc Team „Mainzer Schweinerei“
The miniatures of this nice sculpted, somewhere a bit different team were sculpted by Greebo and Deathowl and produced by the Italian company Greebo Games. Hardly any mouldlines to find at the white metal casted miniatures. The only thing i didnt like at the miniatures were those little „hills“ the miniatures are standing on. So Read the full article…
2023 Amazon Team „Die Mainzer Scheinheiligen“
This was a limited edition Amazon team, which was made for the NAF Worldcup Championship 2015 at Lucca, Italy, by RollJordan Miniatures. The full team composed of 16 metal miniatures. The sculptor is Cosimo Auricchio. 250 teams were cast, 70 were sold at the Worldcup and in May 2017 145 all together were sold. My Read the full article…