Hello everybody …
some years ago my old travel website changed from a site only showing my travel pictures into an archive for the Blood Bowl miniatures.
In October 2004, after reaching nearly 10.000 hits at my old website, i decided, after getting some inquiries of visitors of my website… ( yes, thats you, the TBB/TFF/NAF members !) … to open another website only for our Blood Bowl Hobby ! And I´m proud, that my archive and the pictures of my collections was now used worldwide as one of the reference sites for collectors and players of our famous tabletop game.
And now, July 2017, after 13 years of the old website and nearly 4 months of work with lots of technical help of a good friend, here it is: Blood Bowl Miniatures 2.0
There are still parts of the website i have to work on. So, if someone find a mistake or something to add, please contact me at rickassel.r(at)googlemail.com. Thx!