Blood Bowl History and Overview of Printed Blood Bowl Stuff over the years …
I´m showing here a kind of Blood Bowl History time line. No claim is made that this is a complete listing! It should also a overview of the from Games workshop printed stuff.
Since I am not necessarily a professional player myself, I will not list any rules of the game and values of the individual characters here on these pages. I’m happy to leave this to the capable league players and therefore prefer to refer to the various other blood bowl pages of leagues and tournaments that can be found by surfing the internet. The painted figures shown at my website have been painted by me over the nearly 30 years. Therefore, different levels of my „painting skill“ can be seen. By the way, I would like to point out that all information and details on this page are provided without guarantee. Games Workshop has repeatedly „re-released“ this game at various intervals throughout the years of the company’s existence. With new rules came new characters. Therefore, collectors and players of this game speak of different editions of the game, the rules and the figures.
Blood Bowl is a two-player, turn-based board game that typically uses 28/32 mm miniatures to represent a contest between two teams on a playing field. A board containing a grid overlay represents the field. Using dice, cards, and counters, the players attempt to score higher than each other by entering the opponent’s end zone with a player who possesses the ball.
The „Blood“ in Blood Bowl is represented by the violent actions available to players. Game play is based on a hybrid of American Football and Rugby. Players may attempt to injure or maim the opposition in order to make scoring easier by reducing the number of enemy players on the field.
The player races are drawn from the ranks of fantasy races and have characteristics that reflect the abilities of those races. Elves tend to be agile and good at scoring, while Dwarfs and Orcs are more suited to a grinding, physical style of play.
All teams offer a choice between player types with different statistics: related races (e.g. skeletons and zombies in undead teams, various lizardmen types), guests of allied races (e.g. trolls in orc and goblin teams), exotic or monstrous units (e.g. ghouls, wights and mummies in undead teams), and specialists of different roles (usually some combination of Blockers, Blitzers, Throwers, Catchers, Runners and Linemen). Teams can include any number of players of the most basic type (usually Linemen), while the stronger units are limited to 1, 2, 4 or 6 per team.
In league play, players gain additional skills and abilities based on their accumulation of experience points. Players face potential injury or even death on the field throughout their careers. Teams improve by the purchase of off-field staff such as cheerleaders, assistant coaches, and apothecaries. Disparity between team values is offset by the purchase of ad-hoc star players or mercenaries, as well as bribes and additional temporary support staff, such as wizards or a halfling cook.
(more general information here at Wikipedia):
„Blood Bowl“ ist ein Fantasy Spiel der englischen Firma Games Workshop. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen Spielsystemen dieser Firma wird dieses Spiel auf dem immer gleichen Spielbrett, welches dem Spielfeld des American Football nachempfunden ist, zügeweise gespielt.
Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Art „American Football“ der verschiedenen Völker, die im Warhammer Universum von GW angesiedelt sind. Unter anderem sind das Menschen, Zwerge, Elfen, Orks, Goblins, Rattenmenschen, Echsenmenschen, Mutanten, Untote und andere diverse Monster wie Werwölfe, Vampire, Minotauren, Baummänner und ähnliches. Das bei dieser Zusammenstellung der Spielfiguren das Spiel nicht unbedingt in einem „fair play“ ausartet, kann erwartet werden. Daher wohl auch der Name „Blood Bowl“. 🙂 Die Spieler selber übernehmen im Spiel dann die Rolle des Trainers, auch Coach genannt, des jeweiligen Teams.
Da ich selber nicht unbedingt zu den Profispielern zähle, werde ich hier auf dieser Page keine Regeln des Spiels und Werte der einzelnen Spielfiguren anführen. Dies überlasse ich gerne den fähigen Liga-Playern und verweise daher lieber auf die diverse andere Blood Bowl Pages von Ligas und Tourments, die man beim Surfen des Internets finden kann. Die gezeigten bemalten Figuren sind im Laufe der Jahre von mir bemalt worden. Daher sind auch unterschiedliche Stufen meiner „Bemalfertigkeit“ zu erkennen. Übrigens möchte ich darauf hinweisen, daß alle Informationen und Angaben auf diese Page ohne Gewähr erfolgen.
Games Workshop legte in all den Jahren des Bestehens der Firma in verschiedenen Zeitabständen dieses Spiel immer wieder „neu“ auf. Mit neuen Regeln kamen auch immer wieder neue Figuren heraus. Daher wird bei Sammlern und Spielern dieses Spiels von verschiedenen Editionen beim Spiel, den Regeln und den Figuren gesprochen.
Blood Bowl 1.Edition
The 1st edition of „Blood Bowl“, developed by designer Jervis Johnson, was produced by GW in 1987. The rules, which seemed to have been adopted from the Warhammer game system on a football field, greatly lengthened the course of the game with its many tables and dice. This version of the game laid the groundwork for the more playable 2nd and 3rd edition versions.
In this edition, the game figures of the teams were represented by cut out two-dimensional cardboard figures. However, GW also released the first individual metall miniatures for Blood Bowl that year. These are individual figures of the different races and not complete teams. These figures are sometimes hard to come by and if you ever see them for sale, they are quite expensive. I now finally own all 13 metal miniatures of the 1st edition that bear the year 1987
Die 1. Edition von „Blood Bowl“, die Designer Jervis Johnson entwickelte, wurde 1987 von GW produziert. Die Regel, die vom Spielsystem Warhammer auf ein Footballfeld übernommen schienen, zogen den Spielverlauf mit ihren vielen Tabellen und Auswürfeln stark in die Länge. Diese Version des Spiels war der Grundstein für die besser spielbaren Versionen der 2. und 3. Edition.
In dieser Edition wurden die Spielfiguren der Teams durch ausgeschnittene zweidimessionalen Pappfiguren dargestellt. Jedoch brachte GW auch in diesem Jahr die ersten einzelnen Zinnfiguren für Blood Bowl heraus. Es handelt sich hierbei um einzelne Figuren der verschiedenen Rassen und nicht um vollständige Teams. Leider sind diese Figuren äußerst schwer zu bekommen und sind, wenn man sie jemals zum Verkauf angeboten sieht, leider fast unbezahlbar. Ich besitze nun endlich alle 13 Metallminiaturen der 1.Edition, die die Jahreszahl 1987 tragen
Blood Bowl 2.Edition
The 2nd edition of „Blood Bowl“ was refined by Jervis Johnson and Marc Gascoigne and released in 1988 by GW. As one of the innovations, this game box contained plastic figures of an orc and a human team for the first time. The gray three-part astrogranite field was also a trademark of this edition. The course of the game became smoother and therefore more exciting thanks to the new rules.
Die 2.Edition von “ Blood Bowl „ wurde von Jervis Johnson und Marc Gascoigne verfeinert und 1988 von GW auf den Markt gebracht. Als eine der Neuerungen beinhaltete diese Spielbox erstmals Plastikfiguren eines Ork- und eines Menschenteams. Das graue dreiteilige Astrogranitfeld war ebenfalls ein Markenzeichen dieser Edition. Der Spielverlauf wurde durch die neuen Regeln flüssiger und somit spannender.
The pmetal miniatures of the 2nd edition can be found in various GW catalogues.
The Citadel Catalog 1988 Part One shows the teams of Elves, Goblins, Orcs, Humans, Dark Elves, Dwarfs and various individual figures of each race, but no star player.
In the Citadel Catalog 1989 Part Two the Skaven, Halfling and Snotling teams were added. The new Starplayers are now also displayed there.
Die Zinnfiguren der 2.Edition sind in verschiedenen GW Katalogen zu finden.
Im Citadel Katalog 1988 Part 1 sind die Teams von Elves, Goblins, Orcs, Humans, Dark Elves, Dwarfs und verschiedene Einzelfiguren der einzelnen Rassen, aber keinen Starplayer abgebildet.
Im Citadel Katalog 1989 Part 2 sind dann noch das Skaven-, das Halbling- und das Snotlingteamteam dazugekommen. Auch die neuen Starplayers sind nun dort abgebildet.
In the GW catalog 1991 Section 2 you can find almost exactly the same figures of the 2nd edition. Incidentally, this catalog is often used as a reference when buying and selling figures. But even in this catalogue, some figures from different teams are no longer listed. On the figures themselves, the year 1987, 1988 or 1989 is usually scratched into the tags.
Im GW Katalog 1991 Section 2 sind wieder fast genau die gleiche Figuren der 2.Edition zu finden. Dieser Katalog wird übrigens häufig als Referenz beim Kauf und Verkauf von Figuren verwendet. Aber schon in diesem Katalog sind einige Figuren verschiedener Teams nicht mehr aufgeführt. Auf den Figuren selber ist normal die Jahreszahl 1987, 1988 oder 1989 im Bodenteil eingeritzt.
Dungeonbowl 1988
In 1988 another modification of the game followed. „Dungeonbowl“ is the relocation of the playing field from the surface of the earth under the same. Cave systems and dungeons now serve as a playing field, which is now filled not only with the players but also with a wide variety of common traps, treasures and free-roaming monsters. Again, there were new plastic figures, which came with the box. This time an elf and a dwarf team. I bought the game on ebay. But if you want to save these, not insignificant, costs, you should get the complete (!) English White Dwarf issue 225. The updated rules AND the required floor tiles can be found there. But it was even easier to download the rules as a PDF file plus the artwork for the floor tiles from Fanatics, a subsidiary of Games Workshop. As this website is closed, you have to search the internet now…
Im Jahr 1988 folgte noch eine Abwandlung des Spiels. “ Dungeonbowl „ ist die Verlegung des Spielfeldes von der Erdoberfläche unter selbige. Höhlensysteme und Verliese dienen hier nun als Spielfeld, welches nun außer mit den Spielern auch noch mit verschiedensten gemeinen Fallen, Schätzen und freilaufenden Monster gefüllt ist. Auch hier waren es Plastikfiguren, die mit der Box geliefert wurden. Diesmal je ein Elfen- und ein Zwergenteam.
Ich habe das Spiel bei ebay ersteigert. Wenn man sich aber diese, nicht unerheblichen, Kosten sparen möchte, sollte man sich den vollständigen (!) englischen White Dwarf Ausgabe 225 besorgen. Dort sind die upgedateten Regeln UND die benötigten Bodenplatten zufinden. Aber noch einfacher ist es, die Regeln als PDF-Datei plus die Druckvorlagen der Bodenplatten von Fanatics, einer Tochterfirma von Games Workshop, runterzuladen.
Blood Bowl Starplayer
In 1989, Blood Bowl 2nd Edition released an expansion in the form of a rule book entitled „Blood Bowl Starplayer„. Jervis Johnson and Paul Cockburn extended and/or renewed the original rules to include a campaign system, the creation of your own star players and a skill system. Altogether there were now 18 different races. Furthermore, the background to various teams was presented in this book. Removable star player cards completed this expansion.
Im Jahr 1989 kamen zu der 2.Edition von Blood Bowl eine Erweiterung in Form eines Regelbuches mit dem Titel “ Blood Bowl Starplayer „ heraus. Jervis Johnson und Paul Cockburn erweiterten und/oder erneuerten die ursprünglichen Regeln um ein Campaign-System, der Erschaffung eigener Starplayer und einem Fähigkeitensystem. Insgesamt gab es nun 18 verschiedene Rassen. Weiterhin wurde der Background zu verschiedene Teams in diesem Buch vorgestellt. Herausnehmbare Starplayerkarten vervollständigten diese Erweiterung.
Blood Bowl Companion
In 1990, GW again published an expansion in the form of a hardcover book in A4 format entitled „Blood Bowl Companion„. Andy Warwick, Jervis Johnson and Paul Murphy introduced the new rules for kickers, referees, cheerleaders, fans, weather, magic and magic weapons, different balls, secret weapons, traps and a new league system. For these rules you needed both the rules of the 2nd edition and the expansion „Blood Bowl Starplayer“
1990 wurde wieder eine Erweiterung mittels eines Hardcoverbuches im DinA4 Format mit dem Titel “ Blood Bowl Companion „ von GW herausgegeben. Andy Warwick, Jervis Johnson und Paul Murphy stellten hier die neuen Regeln für Kicker, Schiedsrichter, Cheerleader, Fans, Wetter, Magie und magische Waffen, verschiedene Bälle, geheime Waffen, Fallen und ein neues Ligasystem vor. Für diese Regeln benötigte man sowohl die Regeln der 2. Editon als auch die Erweiterung “ Blood Bowl Starplayer „
Blood Bowl 3.Edition
The 3rd edition of „Blood Bowl“ was released in 1991 by Games Workshop. This edition with new, simpler rules, again developed by Jervis Johnson, includes plastic figures of an orc and human team. In this edition, the playing field consists of a four-part, foldable cardboard base with interesting printed details, such as rats gnawing on bones 🙂 However, Games Workshop has re-released the basic game together with the Deathzone expansion in a 4th edition.
Die 3.Edition von “ Blood Bowl „ wurde 1991 von Games Workshop herausgebracht. Auch diese Edition mit neuen, unkomplizierteren Regeln, wieder von Jervis Johnson weiterentwickelt, beinhaltet Plastikfiguren eines Ork- und Menschenteams. Das Spielfeld besteht in dieser Ausgabe aus einem vierteiligen, klappbaren Pappuntergrund mit interessanten aufgedruckten Details, wie an Knochen nagenden Ratten 🙂 Jedoch hat Games Workshop das Grundspiel zusammen mit der Erweiterung Deathzone in einer 4.Edition wieder herausgebracht.
GW Katalogen
The miniatures of the 3rd edition are shown in the GW catalogs from 1994 and 1999. With this new edition came a complete remake of the teams, seven of which are featured in the 1994 GW catalogue. Except for the cheerleaders and the referees, who were taken over from the 2nd edition, the figures of all teams have been redesigned. It’s noticeable that unfortunately the injuries that still existed in the 2nd edition were completely omitted. Furthermore, the variety of different characters in a team in the 3rd edition is not as great as it was in the 2nd edition. For example, there were 16 different orc miniatures (without Starplayer) in the 2nd edition, so there are now 10 different orc miniatures in the 3rd edition. This is partly due to the changed rules of the game. For example, the figure of the kicker was dropped in the new rules. Like the figures for each team, the new Starplayers were designed by Gary Morley. The miniatures of this edition include the year 1993 at the tag.
Die Figuren der 3.Edition sind in dem GW Katalogen aus den Jahre 1994 und 1999 abgebildet. Es kam mit dieser neuen Edition zu einem völligen Remake der Teams, von denen sieben im GW Katalog von 1994 vorgestellt werden. Bis auf die Cheerleaders und die Referees, die aus der 2.Edition übernommen wurden, sind die Figuren aller Teams neu gestaltet worden. Es fällt auf, daß leider auf die Verletzten, die es noch in der 2.Edition gab, vollkommen verzichtet wurde. Weiterhin ist die Vielfalt der verschiedenen Figuren in einem Team in der 3.Edition nicht mehr so groß, wie sie es in der 2. Edition war. Gab es beispielsweise 16 verschiedene Ork Figuren ( ohne Starplayer ) in der 2., so gibt es nun in der 3.Edition noch 10 verschiedene Ork Figuren. Dies hängt unter anderem mit den veränderten Spielregeln zusammen. Zum Beispiel entfiel in den neuen Regeln die Figur des Kickers. Wie auch die Figuren der einzelnen Team wurden auch die neuen Starplayer von Gary Morley entworfen. Auf diesen Figuren dieser Edition findet sich unter anderem die Jahreszahl 1993.
DeathZone, an expansion to „Bloodbowl“ 3rd Edition developed by designer Jervis Johnson, was released by GW in 1994. This box includes new rules for sideline helpers like an apothecary or magician, new star players, new teams, tips and tricks for leagues and tournaments. There were also 116 new special playing cards and 5 new hidden weapons to make the game even more bloodthirsty.
DeathZone, eine Erweiterung zum “ Bloodbowl “ der 3.Edition, von Designer Jervis Johnson entwickelt, wurde 1994 von GW herausgebracht. Diese Box beinhaltet neue Regel für Coach-Helfer, wie einen Apotheker oder Zauberer, neue Starplayer, neue Teams, Tips und Tricks für Ligas und Tournaments. Weiterhin gab es 116 neue Spezial-Spielkarten und 5 neue versteckte Waffen, um das Spiel noch blutrünstiger zu machen.
PC Spiel Blood Bowl
By the way, in 1995 a PC game „Blood Bowl“ was released by the American software company MicroLeague. I bought it at ebay auction in the US. It takes a little getting used to, but it’s nice. The graphics are no longer state-of-the-art, but the gameplay is quite complex. There are still various additional programs to pimp the game and adapt it to the more current rules. Due to the „age“ of the game, the game no longer runs easily on today’s faster computers.
Übrigens wurde 1995 ein PC Spiel “ Blood Bowl „ von der amerikanischen Softwarefirma MicroLeague herausgebracht. Diese Game ist nicht mehr im Handel erhältlich. Daher habe ich es in den USA ersteigert.Es ist etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber ganz nett. Die Grafik ist nicht mehr auf dem aktuellen Stand der Technik, aber der Spielverlauf ist recht komplex. Es gibt noch verschiedene Zusatzprogramme, um das Spiel aufzumotzen und an die aktuelleren Regeln anzupassen. Durch das “ Alter “ des Games bedingt, läuft das Game nicht mehr ohne weiters auf den heutigen schnelleren Rechnern.
Blood Bowl 4.Edition
The 4th Edition of the Gamebox was released 2000. It includes a plastic Orc and a plastic Human Team. It also included the newest ruleset and the extension module Deathzone.
Die 4.Edition von Blood Bowl wurde 2000 von Games Workshop herausgebracht. Diese Spielbox beinhaltet wieder das besagte Orc- und Menschteam aus Plastik. Neu in dieser Edition ist, daß die Erweiterung “ Deathzone “ ebenfalls dieser Ausgabe beigefügt ist. Die Regeln wurden natürlich auch auf den neusten Stand gebracht.
Zuzüglich den Spieleboxen wurden nun immer wieder Magazine für Blood Bowl von Gamesworkshop und Fanatics veröffendlicht.
Blood Bowl Companion 1 und 2
The Blood Bowl Companion I was released 1997 and was the first of a row of Blood Bowl magazines. One of the interesting features is a nearly complete list of the Blood Bowl miniatures. Also shown were different ball versions, weapons, Big Guys and new skills.
Das Blood Bowl Companion 1 war 1997 das erste dieser Magazine. Dieses Heft habe ich von einem netten TBB geschenkt bekommen. Am interessantesten in diesem Heft ist eine fast vollständige Liste aller BB Miniaturen. Weiterhin werden diverse Ballversionen, Waffen, Big Guys und “ New Talents “ vorgestellt.
The Blood Bowl Companion II was released 1999. The Snotling Pumpwaggon, the Doom Diver and the new Norse team were introduced. The rest of the magazine was filled with tactical helps.
Das “ Blood Bowl Companion 2 „ wurde 1999 veröffentlicht. In diesem Heft werden der Snotling Pumpwagen und der Doom Diver für Blood Bowl vorgestellt. Weiterhin wird das Norse Team eingeführt und die üblichen Regeländerungen vorgestellt. Den Rest des Hefts füllen diverse Taktikhilfen.
Blood Bowl Companion 3
The Blood Bowl Compendium III followed 2000 and was produced by Steve Hambrook. It included amongst others the rules for a Bretonia Team and a Treemen Team with Dryads. Also were shown the new rules for Cheerleaders and Referees. Also shown were some new starplayers.
Blood Bowl Magazine 1 und 2
The „Blood Bowl Magazine 1“ presents the rules of the 4th edition and the renewed star player list. The same applies to the new BB pewter figures of the Norman and Amazon teams. There is also an article about tree people to read.
The „Blood Bowl Magazine 2“ again explains part of the rules of the 4th edition… 🙂 Conversion options from Warhammer pewter figures, such as a werewolf team, are presented in this magazine. Also announced are the new pewter figures by miniature designer Mark Bedford. These are the new Treeman, the human Starplayer Thrud, and the Lizardteam figures.
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 1 „ stellt die Regeln der 4.Edition und die erneuerte Starplayer Liste vor. Ebenso auch die neuen BB Zinnfiguren des Normanen- und des Amazonenteams.Weiterhin gibt es einen Artikel über Baummenschen zu lesen.
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 2″ erklärt erneut einen Teil der Regeln der 4.Edition… 🙂 Konversionenmöglichkeiten aus Warhammer Zinnfiguren, wie etwa ein Werwolfteam, werden in diesem Magazin vorgestellt. Weiterhin werden die neuen Zinnfiguren von Miniaturendesigner Mark Bedford angekündigt. Es handelt sich hierbei um den neuen Treemann, den menschlichen Starplayer Thrud und die Figuren des Lizardteam.
Blood Bowl Magazine 3 und 4
„Blood Bowl Magazine 3“ came out in August 2002. Among other things, new rules for Necromancers and for the new Khemri Team are listed there. Continued experimental rules for mixed-race teams. There are also various „house rules“ that are not always taken very seriously, but are all the more crazy.
„Blood Bowl Magazine 4“ was released in early 2003. It contains, among other things, the experimental rules for a vampire team, building instructions for a playing field, a report about the „Resurrection“ tournament and a report about and by Tom Anders, the head guru of all Blood Bowls collector, and his BB miniatures collection.
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 3 „ ist im August 2002 herausgekommen. Dort werden unter anderem neue Regeln für Necromancer und für das neue Khemri Team angeführt. Weiterhin experimentelle Regeln für Teams mit gemischten Rassen. Auch gibt es wieder diverse, nicht immer ganz ernst zunehmende, dafür aber umso verrücktere “ Hausregeln „.
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 4 „ erschien Anfang 2003. Es enthält unter anderem die experimentellen Regel für ein Vampirteam, eine Bauanleitung für ein Spielfeld, eine Reportage über das „Resurrection“ Tunier und einen Bericht über und von Tom Anders, dem Oberguru aller Blood Bowl Sammler, und seiner BB Miniaturen Sammlung.
Blood Bowl Magazine 5 und 6
The „Blood Bowl Magazine 5“ There you can find, among other things, the rules for the new team „Nurgle’s Rotters“, new experimental rules for hidden weapons and an interesting topic „Blood Bowl at Sea“.
The „Blood Bowl Magazine 6“ The new ogre team is introduced, a match report and the usual articles on tactics can be found in this issue. The second part „Blood Bowl at Sea“ also appeared in this issue.
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 5 „ Dort sind unter anderem die Regeln für das neue Team “ Nurgle’s Rotters „, neue experimentelle Regeln für versteckte Waffen und ein interessantes Thema “ Blood Bowl auf See“ zu finden.
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 6 „ Das neue Oger Team wird vorgestellt, ein Spielbericht und die üblichen Artikel über Taktiken sind in dieser Ausgabe zu finden. Auch der zweite Teil “ Blood Bowl auf See“ erschien in dieser Ausgabe.
Blood Bowl Magazine 7 und 8
The „Blood Bowl Magazine 7“ No new team will be introduced this time. But the new trophies are already shown here. The experimental rules for wizards are presented. There is also an interesting article about a Chaoszwerge team. “ Dune Bowl“ house rules and the third part of the saga “ Blood Bowl at Sea“ continue to fill this magazine.
„Blood Bowl Magazine 8“ came out in June 2003. There the new elf team with team roster and background information will be presented, which will be published by Fanatics in July 2003. This issue also contains game tactics for the Amazon team and house rules for using magicians.
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 7 „ Diesmal wird kein neues Team vorgestellt. Aber die neuen Pokale sind hier schon einmal abgebildet. Die experimentellen Regeln für Zauberer werden vorgestellt. Dazu kommt ein interessanter Artikel über ein Chaoszwerge Team. “ Dune Bowl“ Hausregeln und der dritte Teil der Saga “ Blood Bowl auf See“ füllen weiterhin dieses Magazin.
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 8 „ kam im Juni 2003 heraus. Dort wird das neue Elfenteam mit Teamroster und Hintergrundinformationen vorgestellt, welches im Juli 2003 von Fanatics veröffendlicht wird. Weiterhin sind in dieser Ausgabe Spieltaktiken für das Amazonenteam und Hausregeln für den Einsatz von Zauberern zu finden.
Blood Bowl Magazine 9 und 10
„Blood Bowl Magazine 9„, released August 2003, includes background information for the new Necromancer team, the story of the new star player „Zara the Slayer“, team tactics for the Norse team and the rules for the BB7 game variant of Blood Bowl.
The „Blood Bowl Magazine 10“ came out in October 2003. This issue introduces the new Vampire Team and the new characters for it. A game report of this team is also available here. There is also an article about game tactics of the Skaven team. And background information and house rules for the Underworld Creepers.
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 9 „ , herausgekommen im August 2003, beinhaltet Hintergrundinformationen für das neue Necromancer Team, die Geschichte der neuen Starplayerin “ Zara the Slayer „,Teamtaktiken für das Norse Team und die Regeln für das BB7 Spielvariante von Blood Bowl.
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 10 „ , herausgekommen im Oktober 2003. In diesem Heft wird das neue Vampire Team, und auch die neuen Figuren dafür, vorgestellt. Auch ein Spielbericht dieses Teams liegt hier vor. Weiterhin gibts es einen Artikel über Spieltaktiken des Skaventeams. Und Hintergrundinformationen und Hausregeln für die Underworld Creepers.
Blood Bowl Magazine 11 und 12
The first article in „Blood Bowl Magazine 11„, published in December 2003, explains page by page which house rules are used in the Fanatics head office to play a league. Team tactics for the High Elf team and an article on how to build a league as a „Commissioner“. Another interesting article about additional equipment for players.
The „Blood Bowl Magazine 12“ came out in February 2004. This time a variant for playing a halfling league is presented. “ Blood Bowl goes mechanics … mechanical spare parts for players, nice post! 🙂 And another article about game tactics, this time for goblins. This issue #12 is the last of this magazine series. Fanatics will launch a new and larger magazine which will then feature articles for all GW Specialist Games. But there will be an annual summary of all BB articles in a „BB Annual“…
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 11 „ , herausgekommen im Dezember 2003, erklärt im ersten Artikel seitenweise, nach welchen Hausregeln im Headoffice von Fanatics eine Liga gespielt wird. Teamtaktiken für das Hochelfen Team und ein Artikel, wie man als „Commissioner “ eine Liga aufbaut. Weiterhin ein interessanter Artikel über zusätzliche Ausrüstung für die Spieler.
Das “ Blood Bowl Magazine 12 „ , herausgekommen im Februar 2004. Diesmal wird eine Variante für das Spielen einer Halbling Liga vorgestellt. “ Blood Bowl goes mechanics … mechanische Ersatzteile für Spieler, ein netter Beitrag! 🙂 Und wieder ein Artikel über Spieltaktiken, diesmal für Goblins.
Diese Ausgabe #12 ist die letzte dieser Magazinreihe. Fanatics wird ein neues und größeres Magazin herausbringen, welches dann Artikel für alle GW Specialist Games beinhalten wird. Aber es wird einen jährliche Zusammenfassung aller BB Artikel in eine “ BB Annual „geben…
Blood Bowl Annuals 2002 und 2003
The Blood Bowl 2002 Annual contained a summery of the rulechanges of 2002.
Der Blood Bowl 2002 Annual präsentiert in einer Zusammenfasssung die Regeländerungen seit 2002.
The Blood Bowl 2002 Annual contained again a summery of the rulechanges until April 2003.
Mit dem Blood Bowl 2003 Annual gab es eine weitere Ausgabe dieser Regelzusammenfassungen im April 2003.
Blood Bowl Handbook und Blood Bowl Dungeon Bowl Kompendium
The Blood Bowl Handbook, released 2002, was the last printed hardcopy of the rules without a gamebox. It was up to date to the rules of the gamebox and was sold separately by Games Workshop.
The Blood Bowl Dungeon Bowl Kompendium was, as far i know, only published in German and released June 2004. This 64 pages book contains a summery of the new starplayers and teams since 2002. It includes a Little catalog of the Blood Bowl miniatures with order numbers and the rules of Dungeonbowl. Also enclosed were the paper boards of Dungeonbowl.
Living Rulebook
From 2002 to 2010 every year the Living Rule Book comitee met under the leadership of Jervis Johnson. The updated rules and the changes of the rules were published at the online issues of the Living Rulebook.
CRP Competition Rules Pack
After breaking up the cooperation with the LRB comitee Games Workshop released 2010 the “ Competition Rules Pack „, also called „CRaP“ from lot of LRB5 using coaches. It was the actualy newest official Ruleset without any background- or sidelinestories. Never printed it was only downloadable as PDF-File. This ruleset included not the official three new teams Slann, Chaos Pact and Underworld, but it was possible to download the data for those teams as additional PDF-file.
Blood Bowl 2016 Edition
The classic game of fantasy football is back! After a nearly 10 years break Games Workshop released a new gamebox of „Blood Bowl 2016“.
Blood Bowl App " My Dugout"
Blood Bowl: My Dugout is the companion app to the Blood Bowl boxed game. It’s packed with features to make playing Blood Bowl quick and easy. You can also expand the app’s features with downloadable content and use it to manage every aspect of your team during a league or tournament – the perfect way to remove the paperwork and give you more time to play!
Blood Bowl 2016 Rules for " My Dugout"
This eBook contains all the rules needed to play games of Blood Bowl, including the core rules and team lists for two of the most common teams in the Blood Bowl leagues – doughty Humans and vicious Orcs. This eBook edition of the BloodBowl 2016 Rules was designed for tablet devices and mobile phones.
Death Zone 1 Supplement
In this 48-page softback, you’ll find a wealth of new teams, star players and play options to expand and enhance your Blood Bowl experience. Details for 7 team types (Skaven, Nurgle, Dwarf, Elven Union, High Elf, Dark Elf and Wood Elf) with background, rosters and famous examples of each. There was also a eBook edition designed for tablet devices and mobile phones.
Death Zone 2 Supplement
In this 80-page softback book, you’ll find a host of new content with which to expand and enhance your games – new rules, new teams, new Star Players, new Hall of Fame entries. New teams! Included are the rules for Underworld Denizens, Goblins and Chaos Renegades and 12 Star Players. There was also a eBook edition designed for tablet devices and mobile phones.
Blood Bowl Almanac 2017
„The inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac is the perfect companion for every Blood Bowl player, combining rules from Death Zone Season One! and Death Zone Season Two!, plus much more besides. Within, you’ll find rules for everything from running your own leagues to arranging sponsorships for your players and using squigs as balls.“ Released December 2017
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 1
This is the very first issue of Spike! Journal. The 36-page supplement focussed on Chaos Chosen teams and the formidable Star Players that they can hire. The history of the mighty Doom Lords is divulged in an in-depth article, followed by a trio of Star Player Spotlights on Scyla Anfingrimm, Gobbler Grimlich and the legendary Lord Borak the Despoiler. Among other tidbits of Blood Bowl lore, there’s a Chaos Chosen playbook and rules for using a variety of wizards as inducements – they can even turn an opposing player into a frog!
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 2
The second issue of Spike! Journal had a distinctly Dark Elf feel on account of the return of the Naggaroth Nightmares to the gridiron. The Dark Elf team and their available pool of Star Players is introduced in full, and the somewhat dastardly history of the Naggaroth Nightwings (who would eventually evolve into the Nightmares) is revealed. Hall of Famers Roxanna Darknail, Asperon Thorn and Hubris Rakarth feature in this issue’s Star Player Spotlights, and the Dark Elf playbook is handy for new and experienced players alike. There are also rules for additional sideline staff, including specialist coaches or more esoteric aides such as a weather mage or Druchii sports sorceress!
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 3
You may need to wash your hands (and eyeballs*) after reading this third issue of Spike! Journal., as it’s all about Nurgle teams. Foremost among these, and subject of a detailed team focus, are Nurgle’s Rotters – after all, the Plague Lord himself is the team’s owner! Guffle Pusmaw, Bilerot Vomitflesh, Bulla Shardhorn and Tolly Glocklinger are all subjects of Star Player Spotlights alongside regular columns such as Chat With the Rat and Coffin Corner (an obituary of fallen players). There is also a Nurgle playbook and rules for a motley assortment of sideline assistants, including Plague Doctors, Cavorting Nurglings and even a Horticulturalist of Nurgle.
Blitz Bowl
Blitz Bowl was released only in the USA and Germany in August 2018 and was sold not at GW stores, just only in a few special book- and gamestores. The rulez are similar, but also different to the normal Blood Bowl rules. Players should expect to complete a game of Blitz Bowl within an hour or less.
The Box includes:
A Human team with 3 Linemen plus a Blitzer, Thrower and Catcher.
An Orc squad with a Black Orc Blocker, 3 Linemen, a Blitzer and a Thrower.
A double-sided game board and dugouts to try two pitches, each with their own challenges to master. Cards and dice for the teams, plus additional drills and plays to try.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 4
Issue 4 of the Spike! Journal is guest-edited by Rotting Johnny and focuses on the Shambling Undead teams. Arguably the most famous of them all are the mighty Champions of Death, but the journal introduces a number of other successful teams. Issue 4 also not only includes the background, rules and rosters for the Shambling Undead teams, but also the 10 Star Players who are available for them to hire. There is also a tactics article for Shambling Undead teams as well as a number of regular in-world columns such as the ever-popular Chat with the Rat and the Mighty Blow! Comic strip.
Blood Bowl Almanac 2018
First and foremost, the 2018 Almanac includes the first three issues of Spike! Journal.
Some of the additional content in the 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac that was previously only available in sources such as White Dwarf magazine over the course of the year:
– Rules for legendary Dwarf Brewmaster Josef Bugman as either a coach or a Star Player!
– Star Player rules for Grombrindal – the White Dwarf himself – and his nemesis, the Black Gobbo
– Optional rules for using Elven Union special balls, and the rules for using the Elven Summer Ice Stadium Blood Bowl Pitch
– A Star Player summary table featuring no fewer than 41 Star Players
– An up-to-date FAQ
– A short story describing the strange events that took place when the Crimson Spikes visited the Reikland Reavers
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 5
Issue 5 of the Spike! Journal Butty Baconfingers guest-edits issue 5 of the Spike! Journal with a special focus on all the comforts a Halfling could want. He’ll show the ropes of coaching a Halfling team to victory on the pitch, or at least a full belly during one of their famous half-time banquets! This magazine includes the storied history of the Greenfield Grasshuggers, nearly a dozen unlikely Star Players, and other amiable underdogs of the Blood Bowl pitch. Released June 2019
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 6
Issue 6 of the Spike! Journal The mysterious and deadly Wood Elves enter the fray in Spike! Journal 6. L. Ron Elfman signs on as Guest Editor to bring you some insider info.
Read about the rich history of these unlikely Blood Bowl favorites, including insight into the wide variety of strange woodland Spites, Treemen and Dryads that cheer them on (and sometimes join them)! They’re the proverbial glass dagger, hitting hard and fast, but crumpling under pressure if they’re not handled carefully. Released July 2019.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 7
Issue 7 of the Spike! Journal The Lizardmen are ready to make a splash on the Blood Bowl scene. Combining the cold-blooded killer instinct and steely-eyed defence of Saurus Blockers with Skinks possessing speed and agility to rival the fastest teams on the pitch.
This issue is packed with everything to need to know about Lizardmen in Blood Bowl. Released October 2019.
Blood Bowl Head Coach’s Rules & Accessories
The 80-page Head Coach’s Handbook comes in a convenient A5-size to make it easy to handle whilst gaming. This essential tome is packed with the basic rules you need to play, plus extra rules for creating your own team and hiring staff. You’ll also find a description of Special Play cards, and learn how to use them in your games. Official league rules help you set up and organise a season of gaming, complete with a dedicated stadium and sponsorship deals. There’s a handy chart of all the many Skills in the game, rosters for every single team that’s been released so far, plus every Star Player. Finally, there’s even a section on the history of Blood Bowl to read while you’re taking care of business that doesn’t require your full attention!
This box also contains loads of tokens to represent Inducements, player, game and weather status, re-rolls and tonnes more.
Blood Bowl Almanac 2019
Blood Bowl Almanac 2019 Edited by Lord Borak the Despoiler himself, it contains all of the rules from Spike! Journals 4, 5, 6 and 7, up-to-date Star Player profiles and a comprehensive FAQ for the game.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 8
Issue 8 of the Spike! Journal Join editor Christoph Pololio on a journey into the Ogre Kingdoms, as he explores the unique culture of the nomadic tribes – and just why they’re drawn so strongly to Blood Bowl. Contains the history of Ogres in the game, as well as the three player positions – Ogre, Runt Punter, and Gnoblar. And the background on famous Ogre teams, including the Fire Mountain Gut Busters, plus rules, stats and profiles for Star Players. Released December 2019.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 9
Spike! Journal 9 is focused on hybrid teams with unlikely combinations of players from multiple teams hitting the pitch in volatile alliances.
In this issue is to learn about three different categories of mixed teams – Chaos Renegades, Underworld Denizens and Old World Alliance Teams. Including some hilarious dugout mishaps and violent misunderstandings – the best ways to coach them to victory, and how their rosters and Star Players work in games. There will also be puns. Lots of puns. Released June 2020.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 10
Spike! Journal 10 sees Snotling teams return to the gridiron, along with rising stars (well… relatively speaking), the ‘Mighty’ Crud Creek Nosepickers. If you’ve longed to see the return of the legendary Troll, Ripper Bolgrot, along with his namesake, the chainsaw-wielding Ugroth ‘The Other Ripper’ Bolgrot, and many more Star Players besides, you can read all about their storied careers in Issue 10 too. Released August 2020.
Blitz Bowl - 2nd Season
Blitz Bowl – Season 2 is a fast-paced sports game that pits two teams against each other in a battle to achieve touchdowns, complete Challenges, and score the most points, through a mixture of skill, luck, and aggression!
This set contains:
A 20-page rulebook book with reference material for all 13 current teams, a 50-page Coach Roster Pad.
12 push-fit colored-plastic models, 6 Humans and 6 Dwarfs, requiring no glue to assemble, 6 plastic balls and 4 tokens.
A Set of Blood Bowl dice, including 4 Block Dice, 2 eight-sided dice, and 2 6-sided dice.
119 cards to keep track of the games. Throw range ruler and 1 double-sided gaming board, plus 2 dugouts
Released September 2020 and sold only as English version at Barnes&Noble (USA) and the German version at Thalia.
Personal note: There are no new designed dice in this box! Old ones were re-used.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 11
At the 36 pages of this dusty tome of Spike! Journal 11 the Necromantic Horror team will be the first new team out of the gates with a new issue of Spike! Journal, written with the new rules in mind! The format is familiar, with all the hilarious background, fantastic art, and regular columns you’ve come to expect, but you’ll notice the stats and profiles now conform to the new standard.
Blood Bowl - 2nd Season Edition
Box content:
– 12 red plastic Imperial Nobility team players: 4 Imperial Retainer Linemen, 4 Bodyguards, 2 Noble Blitzers, and 2 Imperial Throwers
– 1 red plastic Star Player, Griff Oberwald
– 1 red plastic Blood Bowl Ogre
– 12 green plastic Black Orc team players: 6 Goblin Bruiser Linemen, and 6 Black Orcs
– 1 green plastic Star Player, Varag Ghoul-Chewer
– 1 green plastic Blood Bowl Trained Troll
– 2 Blood Bowl Biased Referees: 1 Dwarf and 1 Elf
– Extra balls, team coins, and counters
– A beautiful 136-page hardback Blood Bowl rulebook explaining the rules of the game, how to run a league and develop your team, plus updated team, player, and Star Player profiles for every team released so far.
– 1 double-sided fold-out Official Pitch, divided into squares and marked with zones. One side is themed as an Imperial Nobility stadium, and the other for Black Orcs.
– 2 double-sided card dugouts, matching the theme of the pitch on each side.
– 3 plastic templates
– 2 full sets of Blood Bowl dice: one in red for the Humans, and the other in green for the Orcs
– 2 quick-reference Cheat Sheets
Released 27th of November 2020.
Blood Bowl - 2nd Season Edition - Rulebook
This 136-page hardback from the Gamebox „Second Season“ was also sold separatly translated at different languages. Here the content:
– The History of Blood Bowl: from the ancient origins of the game, surrounded in myth and legend, to the evolution of the modern sport. The story of Blood Bowl is as wild as the fanatics who love it.
– Rules and Regulations: streamlined and updated for the Second Season Edition. Everything is explored in detail, from the basics, to recruiting a team, through to the actions your players can take, and the aftermath of the game.
– League vs Exhibition Games: Blood Bowl can be played as one-off matches, and long-running leagues with loads of coaches competing for the top prize. Learn all about both.
– Blood Bowl Teams: Updated rules including new Region and Team Special Rules, a tiered ranking system, and rosters for all 21 current teams.
– Star Players: Every named Star Player now has their own Special Rule. Find current profiles for 23 of them here.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 12
This 36-page magazine pulls double duty, covering the history, rules, and rosters of both the Imperial Nobility and Black Orc teams.
Released April 2021.
Death Zone Supplement
Death Zone, the first major supplement for the 2nd Season Edition:
The Death Zone supplement includes a wide array of additional rules designed to pack even more excitement, tension, and action into your games. Explore the world of Blood Bowl in more depth, employ new inducements, add mercenary players, and play half-sized games for faster, more frantic gameplay.
This 104-page hardback book includes new ways to enjoy games of Blood Bowl, plus expanded background material and a variety of thrilling options for every team.
Dungeon Bowl 2021
Dungeon Bowl is Blood Bowl played in cavernous, winding dungeons, arranged by the eight Colleges of Magic. The wizards put mixed teams together for their own amusement, and make the rules – and magical traps – as chaotic as possible for maximum carnage. Revealed Warhammer Day 2021.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 13
Featuring 36 crimson-hued pages, this magazine covers the history, rules, and rosters of the Khorne team. Alongside all the tales of violence, violence, and more violence, you’ll find the fantastic fun and essential commentary you’ve come to expect from Spike! Journal. As such, this magazine is the perfect companion for the savvy (and bloodthirsty) coach. Released 13th of November 2021.
Blood Bowl Almanac 2021
This Almanac contains the Spike! Journal issues 11 through 13, with the team rosters (Necromantic Horror, Imperial Nobility & Black Orc, and Khorne), Star Player rules, and assorted rules for leagues and inducements. A suite of new rules for letting multiple college teams loose in the dungeons of the Old World, providing the scintillating spectacle that is multiplayer Dungeon Bowl and more!
All is presented in a 160-page hardback book with gloss art and matt lamination, with a red bookmark ribbon. Released 5th of February 2022.
Blitz Bowl - Ultimate Edition
This season, two new teams are ready to tussle in a tumultuous try-out – six Human players form The Reavers, while six Skaven make up The Scramblers – plus 67 game cards, a double-sided board and dugouts, balls, a throw ruler, dice, and a full-color 24-page rulebook. Personal note: Just one dice set included with 3 D6 with the BB logo as 6, 2 blockdice and 2 D8.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 14
This journal covers the history, rules, and rosters of the Norse team. Alongside tales of booze, bone-breaking tackles, and a few incidents of accidentally freezing to death, you’ll find the fantastic fun and essential commentary you’ve come to expect from Spike! Journal. As such, this magazine is the perfect companion for any cold-loving coach. Released April 2022.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 15
This issue brings out of the thick and steaming rainforests of Lustria a Spike! Journal packed with scrimmaging serpents and tropical touchdown gameplay. This journal covers the history, rules, and rosters of the Amazon team. As well as stories of mysterious relics, acrobatic antics, and some truly spectacular ritual sacrifice shows at half-time. Released October 2022.
Dungeon Bowl: Death Match – expansion set
Dungeon Bowl is the game of subterranean sporting mayhem, played between two Blood Bowl coaches. In this expansion set, the College of Life’s Emerald Crusaders face off against the College of Death’s Black Widows, as two teams explore a sprawling dungeon with a customisable layout – including the lair of a deadly werewolf. Released 3rd of December 2022
Blood Bowl Almanac 2022
This Almanac contains the Spike! Journal Spike! Journal issues 14 and 15, all the team rosters and Star Player rules for Amazon and Norse Teams, plus assorted rules for leagues, pitches and more.Updated rules to bring the Amazon and Norse teams to Dungeon Bowl. A Star Player Spotlights on eight famous Blood Bowl players: Puggy Baconbreath, Cindy Piewhistle, Dribl & Drull, Bilerot Vomitflesh, Ripper Bolgrot, Nobla Blackwart, Scrappa Sorehead, and Withergrasp Doubledrool . Released 3rd of December 2022
Blood Bowl Matched Play Guide
The 32-page softcover Blood Bowl Matched Play Guide gives competitive players and organisers of both leagues and events a set of guidelines to run a successful tournament. Theer is a new system for choosing upgrades and benefits, and for spending Skill Points with an eye on better balance. Even experienced coaches will discover challenges and opportunities when building their rosters. The Matched Play Guide covers a variety of event types, including the triumphant return of Stunty Tournaments! Released 7th of January 2023.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 16
Background on the origins of Vampire teams in Blood Bowl . This includes information on their team positions, including Thrall Lineman, Vampire Thrower, Vampire Runner, Vampire Blitzer, and Vargheist. Features the Vampire Team Roster and the 11 eligible star players that can play for the team: Akhorne the Squirrel, Bryce ‘the Slice’ Cambuel, ‘Captain’ Karina von Riesz, Count Luthor von Drakenborg, Frank ‘n’ Stein, Grak & Crumbleberry, Gretchen Wächter, Helmut Wulf, Ivan ‘The Animal’ Deathshroud, Skrull Halfheight and Wilhelm Chaney.
Released 30th of September 2023.
Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal - Issue 17
Vital background knowledge of Gnome teams in Blood Bowl, including a breakdown of the positions they play – Linemen, Beastmasters, and Illusionists, and the forest friends they bring to the pitch, including Woodland Foxes and Altern Forest Treemen. The “ Glimdwarrow Groundhogs“ … Hailing from one of the largest known settlements of Gnomes, this team has broken out of the bogs to play actual games across the Old World, becoming a firm fan favourite for their antics and plucky spirit.
Released 20th of April 2024.