Chaos Cup Limited Edition
2004 – Garak Grigolson and Jurgen Demonfeeder
2005 – Sark Four-Eyes
2006 – Snake Sanders
2007 – Krefft the Despised
2008 – Constrictor Atlanson
2009 – Acid Scarred Max
2010 – Rex Farsight and alternate Rex Farsight
2011 – Lord Dorian the Lost
2012 – Spider Smith
2013 – Phil Lewis sculpted Apothecary/Wizard for the original GW studio Chaos All-Stars
2014 – Ruddog Ironhead
2015 – Margoth Doomgrim
2016 – V’hnn Qlss ‚Snakey‘ Zzchhtrr
The figures from 2004 to 2013 were pewter/white metal and the miniatures from 2014 on where created in resin. The figures are standard 28mm scale figures to match up with other on the Blood Bowl board game.
Jurgen Demonfeeder is a new cast of an old „green“ of the „Alien Blitzer“ of the famous Chaos Allstars Team. The original green is owned by Tom „Galak“ Anders. The casting run was done by Monday Knight Productions and was limited to 300 castings. The miniature was once sculpted by Phil Lewis. At first „Galak“ used this miniature as Blood-Bowl.Net Limited Fantasy Footbowl miniature 2003.
The miniature of Garak Grigolson is also one of the players of the famous Chaos Allstars Team. There should be just a painted green of this mini, but this long lost metall (!) mini was discovered by TFF „Narkotic“ June 2004 at ebay. „Narkotic“ send this miniature to“Galak“, who send it Monday Knight Productions, which spun 300 of them. So the two long lost greens, sculpted by Phil Lewis, made it back in as official GW miniatures again.
The first casting run of Monday Knights Produktion was limited to 300 of each miniature. Later a second casting run followed with additional 500 pieces of each miniature. For some time they could be ordered at Impact! onlinestire, but, as far i know, all miniatures are OOP now. (2017)
btw… Because the Chaos Cup Tournament was run by Games Workshop as offical GW-Tournament in this time, all Give-away-miniatures are now kind of Limited GW miniatures and can be used at other GW tournaments.
Personal note: I add these miniatures not only into the tournament miniatures section because they are also well searched collector miniatures.
Rex Farsight 2004

Rex Farsight 2004 Sculpted by Phil Bowen and produced by Impact! Miniatures
Jurgen Demonfeeder 2004

Jurgen Demonfeeder 2004 Sculpted by Phil Levis and produced by Impact! Miniatures.
Garak Grigolson 2004

Garak Grigolson 2004 Sculpted by Phil Levis and produced by Impact! Miniatures.
Snake Sander 2005

Snake Sander 2005 Sculpted by Phil Bowen and produced by Impact! Miniatures
Sark Four-Eyes 2006

Sark Four-Eyes 2006 Sculpted by Phil Bowen and produced by Impact! Miniatures
Kefft the Despised 2007

Kefft the Despised 2007 Sculpted by Phil Bowen and produced by Impact! Miniatures
Constrictor Atlanson 2008

Constrictor Atlanson 2008 Sculpted by Phil Bowen and produced by Impact! Miniatures
Acid-scarred-Max 2009

Acid-scarred-Max 2009 Sculpted by Phil Bowen and produced by Impact! Miniatures
Rex Farsight 2010

Rex Farsight 2010 Sculpted by Phil Bowen and produced by Impact! Miniatures
Lord Dorian the Lost 2011

Lord Dorian the Lost 2011 Sculpted by Steve Buddle and produced by Impact! Miniatures
Spider Smith 2012

Spider Smith 2012 Sculpted by Phil Bowen and produced by Impact! Miniatures