Dice NAF

The NAF block dice came with a NAF membership. Every year they came with a (at first top secret) new color until 2012. Quite a lot of coachs are collecting now those NAF dice. Because some of the older dice are quite expensive to buy now, it was worth to pay for a NAF membership just to get the block dice… 😉

2013 the story of the NAF Block dice ended.

Posted at the NAF website, Thu May 23, 2013:
„… This is always an exciting time of year as the NAF announces new dice. We are keeping this tradition but sadly, after ten years, Games Workshop has brought this great tradition of new block dice to an end.
We tried many angles with GW, but ultimately the licensing department would not renew our deal meaning that, for 2013, a new colour of blocking dice cannot be issued. We have good relations with GW and hope that with continued communication this may change in the future.
This year we will instead be issuing matching coloured sets of 2D6, plus a D8 and a D16. In the great tradition of the NAF, the new colour and unique design will be announced at the NAF Championship 2013 and attendees renewing their membership can get their new dice. …“

NAF Black Blockdice - 2003

NAF Black Blockdice 2003 The NAF membership for one year included these black blockdice. First were out at „Spiky Open 2003“. About 666 sets at this time were made. In the year 2008 at ebay a set of those were sold for £80 !!!

NAF Pink Blockdice - 2004

NAF Pink Blockdice 2004 A new NAF membership or renewed subsription from the year 2004 on includes these pink ones. The first ones showed up at the BB2004 in Nottingham. BTW… There are two different shades of pink of these dice as there were two batch castings at different times. The second batch got a darker pink (Purple?) shown below and they are the more rare ones.

Thx a lot, Mike, for sending me this set from the USA. Finaly after all those years i could complete the whole sets now. (2022)

NAF Purple Blockdice - 2004

NAF Purple Blockdice 2004 A new NAF membership or renewed subsription from the year 2004 on includes these ones. The first ones showed up at the BB2004 in Nottingham. BTW… There are two different shades of pink of these dice as there were two batch castings at different times. The second batch got a darker pink (Purple?) shown here and they are the more rare ones. A full set could reach a price of 150-250 Euros! (2022)

NAF Blue Blockdice - 2005

NAF Blue Blockdice 2005A new NAF membership or renewed subsription from the year 2005 on includes now these blue ones. I got mine at the B7 Tournament July 2005.

NAF Green Blockdice - 2006

NAF Green Blockdice 2006 The NAF dice of the year 2006. Those marking were very bad to read especial with low light.
There were also even darker green dice.  Of the 4 dice misprints 3 were in possession of Bart Verstuyft, who was famous because of it. 🙂

NAF Dark Green (misprinted) Blockdice - 2006

The famous misprinted three NAF Dark Green Blockdice 2006 changed ownership in October 2022.  Bart Verstuyft sold them to Broc Robert, which is now famous because of them 🙂 The 4th dice is still missing.  Thx for the picts, Bart! 🙂

NAF Orange Blockdice - 2007

NAF Orange Blockdice 2007 The orange NAF Blockdice arrived 2007. „Lycos“, the NAF president, wrote once, there were 20.000 made! Quite a lot NAF members now!

NAF Yellow Blockdice - 2008

NAF Yellow Blockdice 2008 The yellow NAF Blockdice of 2008. I got mine at the B7 Tournament 2008. The blue markings are good to read on the yellow dice

NAF Red Blockdice - 2009

NAF Red Blockdice 2009 The red NAF Blockdice of 2009.

NAF Blue Blockdice - 2010

NAF Blue Blockdice 2010 The bright blue NAF dice of 2010

NAF Light Green Blockdice - 2011

NAF Light Green Blockdice 2011 The light green NAF Blockdice of 2011.

NAF Silver Blockdice - 2012

NAF Silver Blockdice 2012 The Silver marbling with Black inscripting NAF dice of 2012. Very bad to read…

About collector prices for NAF block dice...

To give an idea about the prices in April 2022 here are some prices called out by 3 different dice collectors (not myself!):

„Black and gold 70-80$, Pink and Purple 60-70$, Dark green 50-60$.The rest 20-30$…“

„Bright pink (50 euros), Dark Green/Blue (40-45), Orange (35-40), Red, Yellow, silver, light green, light Blue all around (15)… and 3 (dark pink) I would value at (200-250)… and D6 tournament pairs normally around 5 euros.“

And as always… subject to supply and demand! 😉

NAF Dice pack - 2013

This year 2013 was the first year without the tradional NAF Block dice. So new NAF members got this pack of black dice: 2x d6, 1x d8 and 1x d16 dice.

NAF D6 white - 2014

NAF D6 white 2014

NAF D6 red - 2015

NAF D6 red 2015

NAF D6 yellow - 2016

NAF D6 yellow 2016. And i got the information, there is a different version of those yellow NAF dice with printed and not hollowed dots.

NAF D6 - 2016 misprint

NAF D6 2016 misprint The story behind those „misprinted dice“, which are nether misprinted at all …
Here the info from Torsten aka Tojurub, who was NAF Vice President at that time:
„Wasn’t a missprint on them, but the first yellow ones we got had just printed the dots instead of depressions. The pink were given as compensation from the manufacturer. And the pink ones weren’t enough to admit. So they only went to NAF staff.“
Thx for the pict and the info , Michael aka Twyllenimor! 🙂

NAF D6 Blue - 2017

NAF D6 Blue 2017 I got them at the B7 tournament 2017 with the NAF reroll marker.

NAF D6 Darkgreen - 2018

NAF D6 Darkgreen 2018 I got them with the NAF Apothecary marker.

NAF D6 Orange - 2019

NAF D6 Orange 2019 I got them with the NAF Bribe marker.

NAF D6 Lila - 2020

NAF D6 Lila 2020 I got them with the NAF „Argue the Call“ marker.

NAF D6 Pink - 2021

NAF D6 Pink 2021 I got them with the NAF „Ball Carrier“ marker. Thx, Mike for sending me those dice from the USA.

NAF D6 Pink - 2021v2 (darker & pipes painted)

While adding the NAF 2021 dice, which i got from the German NAF representative , into the showcase i realized, that i already have a set of those NAF dice, which were send from the USA from a friendly supporter of my website.  And at those „USA based“ dice the pipes are drilled and the colour is a very little more bright as you can see at my pict. (USA dice left side) Hm… a new collector item to look for? 😉

NAF D6 Black - 2022

NAF D6 Black 2022 I got them at the Dungeon Bowl 2023 with the NAF „Leader/Brilliant Coaching Reroll“ marker.

NAF D6 Bright Blue - 2023

NAF D6 Bright Blue 2023 I got them with the NAF „Throwing Team Mate“ marker.

NAF D6 Bright Green - 2024

NAF D6 Bright Green 2024 I got them with the NAF „Prone/Stunned“ marker.