Markers – NAF

From 2018 on a special marker was added to the annual free dice gift as part of NAF Membership.

NAF - 2014 - Fame Marker (front)

The NAF Fame-Marker, which came with the white NAF dice 2014.  (front)

NAF - 2014 - Fame Marker (back)

The NAF Fame Marker, which came with the white NAF dice 2014.  (back)

NAF - 2015 - Marker (front)

The NAF -Marker, which came with the red NAF dice 2015.  (front)

NAF - 2015 - Marker (back)

The NAF Marker, which came with the red NAF dice 2015.  (back)

NAF - 2016 - Turn Counter (front)

The NAF Turn Counter, which came with the yellow NAF dice 2016.  (front)

NAF - 2016 - Turn Counter (back)

The NAF Turn Counter, which came with the yellow NAF dice 2016.  (back)

NAF - 2017 - Reroll (front)

The NAF Reroll Marker, which came with the blue NAF dice 2017.  (front)

NAF - 2017 - Reroll (back)

The NAF Reroll Marker, which came with the blue NAF dice 2017.  (back)

NAF - 2018 - Apothecary (front)

The NAF Apothecary Marker, which came with the darkgreen NAF dice 2018.  (front)

NAF - 2018 - Apothecary (back)

The NAF Apothecary Marker, which came with the darkgreen NAF dice 2018.  (back)

NAF - 2019 - Bribe (front)

The NAF Bribe Marker, which came with the orange NAF dice 2019.  (front)

NAF - 2019 - Bribe (back)

The NAF Bribe Marker, which came with the orange NAF dice 2019.  (back)

NAF - 2020 - Argue the Call (front)

The NAF Argue the Call Marker, which came with the purple NAF dice 2020.  (front)

NAF - 2020 - Argue the Call (back)

The NAF Argue the Call Marker, which came with the purple NAF dice 2020.  (back)

NAF - 2021 - Ball Carrier (front)

The NAF Ball Carrier/Lost Ball Marker, which came with the pink NAF dice 2021.  (front)

NAF - 2021 - Lost Ball (back)

The NAF Ball Carrier/Lost Ball Marker, which came with the pink NAF dice 2021.  (back)

NAF - 2022 - Leader/Brilliant Coaching Reroll (front)

The NAF Leader/Brilliant Coaching Reroll Marker, which came with the black NAF dice 2022.  (front)

NAF - 2022 - Leader/Brilliant Coaching Reroll (back)

The NAF Leader/Brilliant Coaching Reroll Marker, which came with the black NAF dice 2022.  (back)

NAF - 2023 - Throwing Team Mate (front)

The NAF Throwing Team Mate Marker, which came with the bright blue NAF dice 2023. (front)

NAF - 2023 - Throwing Team Mate (back)

The NAF Throwing Team Mate Marker, which came with the bright blue NAF dice 2023.(back)

NAF - 2024 - Prone/Stunned (front)

The NAF Prone/Stunned Marker, which came with the bright green NAF dice 2024.(front)

NAF - 2024 - Prone/Stunned (back)

The NAF Prone/Stunned Marker, which came with the bright green NAF dice 2024.(back)