All other Tournaments miniatures…
Catenaccio Bowl, Barcelona, Spain, Orc Referee 2004

Catenaccio Bowl, Barcelona, Spain, Orc Referee 2004 Sculpted by Joan. Catenaccio Bowl, one of the most importants spanish tournaments, also known as the most brutal one, because normally the injuries caused by pitch invasion, fouls and so are counted equal than normal injuries.
Kaburi-BB7, Barcelona, Spain, Werwolf 2004

Kaburi-BB7, Barcelona, Spain, Werwolf 2004 Sculpted by Joan.
Carnage London, UK Human Player 2005

Human Player 2005 Sculpted by Mike Thrope. I was told, 250 miniatures were cast. It was also given out as the House Rulez 2005 Limited Edition Figure.
Brew City Blood Bath II, Milwaukee, USA Cindy 2006

Cindy 2006 Produced by RollJordan. „ … It has been produced as a limited edition figure to sponsor a tournament. 50 went to the event, the remaining 200 are for sale. … There will be 250 models casted and sold in a numbered blister…“ RollJordan at TFF,
Italian Open, Bologna, Italy Halfling-Cook 2006

Halfling-Cook 2006 This figure was a limited edition cast of only 100 figures. (from Impact! website 2013). Designed by Melvin de Voor, sculpted by Mike „Fubar“ Thorpe and produced by Impact! Miniatures.
Carrot Crunch, Newton Green, UK Ulfwerener 2007

Ulfwerener 2007
Gen-Con, Indiapolis, USA Commentator Snotgrub 2007

Snotgrub 2007 This would be the slightly premature appearance of Snotgrub on the Elfball scene – he is not even had chance to get dressed before running to the side of the pitch! (from Impact! website 2013). Sculpted by Mike „Fubar“ Thorpe and produced by Impact! Miniatures.
Monkey-Bowl Nashville, Tenneesee USA, Football-Chimp 2007

Football-Chimp 2007 Designed by Melvin de Voor, sculpted by Pierre Francois Jacquet and produced by Impact! Miniatures. Only 200 were cast.
Tabira Bowl Bilbao, Spain Football-Frogman 2007

Football-Frogman 2007 Sculpted by Tom De Wulf and produced by Impact! Miniatures. Only 200 were cast.
Stupor Bowl Chicago, USA Da Freezer 2008

Willum „Da Freezer“ Scarey 2008 Designed by Melvin de Voor, sculpted by Patrick Keith and produced by Impact! Miniatures. Only 200 were cast.
ARBBL , Andover, Hampshire, UK, Mutant Goblin 2009

Mutant Goblin 2009 Designed by Melvin de Voor, sculpted by Mike „Fubar“ Thorpe and produced by Impact! Miniatures. Only 200 were cast.
Bilbali Cup, Bilbao, Spain Orc Cheerleader 2010

Orc Cheerleader 2010
Reva Bowl III, Spain Woodelf War Dancer 2010

Woodelf War Dancer 2010 Produced by Willy Miniatures
BarnaBowl, Barcelona, Spain Hobgoblin, 2008

Lowlands Border Brawl, Turnhout Belgium Tug of War 2009

Tug of War 2009 The Battle for cheese and beer … organised by Draco & Quermitt
Emen Corps Cup, Madrid, Spain Flesh Golem, 2008

Flesh Golem 2008 ot the Emen Corps Cup 27-28th september 2008. Sculpted by JBdemon.
Dragonbowl, France Dragon Referee 2009

Dragon Referee 2009
Rugbowl, Toulouse, France, Beastman Donkey 2006

Beastman Donkey 200 sculpted by Pakulkan and resin casted. From the Rugbowl September 23/24th 2006.
Nuffleween V, Norman, Oklahoma, USA Rowdy "Rotty" Piper's Block 'n' Wrestling 2016

Rowdy „Rotty“ Piper’s Block ’n‘ Wrestling of Nuffleween V at Nov 5th 2016. Sculpted by Pedro Ramos.
Tritex Bowl, Manchester, UK, Roxy 2008

Roxy 2008 I got this miniature as a nice giveaway while ordering the Blood Bowl 2016 gamebox at Tritex online store.
Fumbble on Tour, Elf Runner, 2006

This Elf Runner was also called Elf-ogre of FOT 2006. Sculpted by Pako Pakulken and produced by Impact!.
Massacre Day, Oostende, Belgium, Ogre Bloodweiser Babe, 2016

Ogre Bloodweiser Babe for the Oostende Tournament Massacre Day and 8th of May 2016. Sculpted by Pedro Ramos.
Personal note: A very nice large and well sculpted miniature. „The beer tap from the Bloodweiser Babe is coming out of Belgium. There where beer should come from!!!“ (Bart Verstuyft – Organisator of this tournament)
The Biter , Madrid, Spain 2008

The Biter 2008 Sculpted by Jose B. Rosado and produced by JBdemon Studio.
This miniature is not a tournament or Limited Edition miniature. But still a quite special one IMO. This very nice Blood Bowl Squig was posted at a Spanish BB forum first and when the picture showed up at TFF forum, too, more than 200 (Oct.2008) were ordered from around the world. Thanks for the information, Luizda.
Talk Fantasy Football, Pot Plant, 2007

This miniature is not a tournament miniature. Maybe more a kind of Limited Edition miniature. But still a quite special one. This very nice Blood Bowl „wanna be treeman“ was posted at the Talking Fantasy Football forum 2007 by the sculptor David „Pug“ Mason. Casted in polyurethane one at a time. Only 90 were sold back in 2007-2008. No reproductions made since of the „Pot-Plant“…of the Hundred Feet Heroes fame.
Eucalyptus Bowl Sydney, Australia Koala 2008

Koala 2008 Designed by Melvin de Voor, sculpted by Patrick Keith and produced by Impact! Miniatures. Only 200 will ever be cast by Impact! Miniatures. The Koala is sold with a body and then 5 different arms. 2 Clawed hand arms, one arm with a Bowie knife, one arm with a Tinotov (moltov cocktail in an Oz beer can), and a set of arms holding a whipper snipper (weed eater) with a serrated blade.
NAF Championship Flesh Golem Lycos 2014

Flesh Golem Lycos 2014 The 17th and 18th May 2014 sees the return of the NAF Championship to Nottingham, England. The tournament is the spiritual successor GW’s own Blood Bowl major and is one of the most popular, prestigious and widely attended solo-player tournaments in the world. Sculpted by Pedro „Poncho“ Ramos. It was a fig to honour Lycos for his job as NAF president.
Challenge of Qermitt, Toronto, Canada Hooligan 2008

Hooligan 2008 Sculpted by Alex Garrett and produced by Impact! Miniatures. Only 200 were cast.
„The Challenge of Q’ermitt is a tournament in which players play on a number of custom built boards. Each board has specific kick off tables and weather conditions which are in keeping with the hosting race and the geographic weather conditions. The ‚ooligan is a young norse warrior who may come to attack players on the pitch as determined by a kick off result.“
Thumper Bunny Blitzer, Melbourne, Australia, 2008

Thumper Bunny 2008 The model was sculpted by Peter (Angora) and was cast by Nic at Eureka miniatures. The miniature is a 4 part model with the ears and leading forearm separate. This miniature was seen first at „Little Wars“ 2008 in Melbourne,Australia.
Background informations:
„… The bunny concept was my design (Adam, Sanguinary Lord). I wanted a model to act as an “ogre” for my team of “blood bowl bunnies” (a human blood bowl team from Shadowforge based upon the Playboy bunnies). Originally it was to take the form of a team mascot (a person in a giant rabbit mascot costume). This eventually became “Thumper the Bunny Blitzer” as he is seen today. Originally it was not going to be made available to the public but was to be kept solely for my use. However once Peter had started posting pics online people showed a lot of interest and I decide to make him available to help pay for the cost of production.
The current production run stands at 50 but that will likely increase and be capped at 100..“