Fantasy Football Greebo „Obsidian Dusk“ – 2017
Greebo Miniatures started this Kickstarter project in 2017. Three different Elf teams… Dark Elves, Wood Elves and High Elves… in one big project with a amazing sucess!
The Obsidian Dusk team includes 6× Linemen, 2× Witch Elves, 2× Runners, 4× Blitzers, 2× Assassins and lots of additional sideline miniatures and free perk miniatures.
All miniatures are sculpted by Greebo and Deadowl.
Personal note: I bought only the Dark Elves and so i´m showing here only the miniatures of this team and some of the additional and free miniatures, which come for all teams.
For a overview i also added team pictures from the kickstarter project of all other teams.