Fantasy Football Meiko Ratmen
This Ratmen team consists of 2 Blitzers, 2 Throwers, 4 Gutter Runners, 4 different Linemen and a Rat Ogre.
Additional Starplayer miniatures for this team shown here are the Rat Ogre Poncho, Skipper Assassin, Hamflek with Two Heads, Fechglitz with Ball and Chain and Klark Smash with Claws.
There are also two sideline miniatures: a Bloodweiser Girl and a Cheerleader rat.
The miniatures were sculpted by Pedro Ramos and made by Meiko Miniatures. The onlineshop „Comixininos“ is selling those miniatures in different combinations as teams or single miniatures.
Thanks a lot to Alex from Comixininos, for sending me again a nice team for my miniatures archives.
Personal note: Another very nice sculpted team by Pedro Ramos. I painted this team 2017 while waiting for some frogs and you can see it at projects section.