Fantasy Football Shadowforge Gridirion Human Classic
The female Gridirion Human Classic team is produced by the Australian Company Shadowforge at Sydney. There are 11 different players for this „Classic“ Human team, 2 Blitzers, 2 Throwers, 2 Catchers and 5 Linewomen. There were also additional supporting staff miniatures. Here are just a classic Nurse and two different sets of Cheerleaders , the „classic“ and the „normal“ ones, shown here.
Shadowforge dont has a own onlinestore anymore, but it is still possible to order those miniatures from the Australian onlinestore Eureka Miniatures or other European onlinestores like Comixininos. All those miniatures are sculpted by Neil Holloway, the owner of Shadowforge.
Personal note: It seems, that this „classic“ Human team is OOP (2017). But the miniatures of the „normal“ Human team, which are wearing Astronaut-like helmets are still to find at onlinestores.