Fantasy Football Shadowforge Nun Gridiron
The female Gridirion Nun team is produced by the Australian Company Shadowforge at Sydney. There are 11 different players for this team. 2 Blitzers, 2 Throwers, 2 Catchers and 5 Linewomen. A additional supporting staff team, consists of a Trainer, a Apothecary and 3 nice Cheerleader. The coach is not shown here.
Shadowforge dont has a own onlinestore anymore, but it is still possible to order those miniatures from the Australian onlinestore Eureka Miniatures or other European onlinestores like Comixininos. All those miniatures are sculpted by Neil Holloway, the owner of Shadowforge.
Personal note: I started painting this team 2012 while on holiday at Canarian Islands and after a 4 years break I finished it 2016 while on a short holiday again. As I dont think that i will play with this team. there are no position colorings, no numbers and not enough miniatures to fill up all the positions of a full Amazon team. This time there are also no unpainted whited miniatures of this team at at my archive. Sorry… i just forgot to take pictures before painting.