Fantasy Football Virgil Games Dwarf
„Virgil Games“ was a spanish brand dedicated to the design and production of fantasy miniatures. The Dwarves are the first models which this company produced using a IndieGOGO project in
April 2014. All the miniatures were 3D sculpted by Sergi Torras. 2016 this great sculptor „had“ to end his freelancer life and is now working for Games Workshop at the Warhammer line. Hopefully he will return sometime to Fantasy Football or Blood Bowl.
The team is formed by 13 different miniatures. Six blockers, two blitzers, two berserkers, two runners and a dwarf deathroller.
Additional models and markers were added as stretch goals: a Beserker Starplayer, a Chainsaw Starplayer, a Bomber Starplayer, a DwarfWeiser Girl, a Coach, a Apothecary, three block dice, a turn- and a reroll marker and a prone and a stunned marker for the deathroller. At the IndieGOGO campagne it was also possible to buy a high-quality printed Dwarf pitch gamefield.
The miniatures are still on sale at Starplayer.(2017)
Personal note: A very nice and easy to paint team with lots of great additionals miniatures and items. My painted team you can see at the Fantasy Football projects section.