Games Workshop 6th Edition Dice
GW Human Dice set - 2016

GW Human Dice set 2016 That is one of the two dice sets, which come with the new Blood Bowl Gamebox in November 2016.
GW Orc Dice set - 2016

GW Orc Dice set 2016 That is the other of the two dice sets, which come with the new Blood Bowl Gamebox in November 2016
GW Skaven Dice set - 2017

GW Skaven Dice set 2016 That is the Skaven dice set, which come with the Skaven dice cube in November 2016.
GW Skaven Dice set - 2017 2nd Release

GW Skaven Dice set 2017 This is a second release of a Skaven dice cube of 22th July, 2017. At the D6 there is now shown a Skaven sign and no more the BB2016 logo. And the box dont have a black lid now. (Andy Hoare (GW): „The 6 face, plus the ink is a nicer, paler colour gold.“ (facebook, 15th July 2017))
GW Goblin Dice Set - 2017

GW Goblin Dice set 2017 That is the Goblin dice set, which come with the Goblin dice cube in July 2017.
GW Orc Gouged Eye Dice Set - 2017

GW Orc Gouged Eye Dice Set 2017 That is the Gouged Eye dice set, which come with the dice cube in July 2017.
GW Human Reikland Reavers Dice Set - 2017

Human Reikland Reavers Dice Set That is the Reikland Reavers dice set, which come with the dice cube in July 2017.
GW Dwarf Giants Dice set - 2017

GW Dwarf Giants Dice set 2017 That is the Dwarf dice set, which come with the Dwarf dice cube 2017.
GW Elven Union Dice - 2017

„This set of handsome iridescent dice (seriously, catch the light with them – they’re strangely hypnotic), featuring an Elven Union team icon in place of the 6 and includes: 3x Blood Bowl Block dice 2x 6-sided dice 1x 8-sided dice 1x 16-sided dice“. Released December 2017.
GW Chaos Renegades - 2018

The perfect companion to your Chaos Renegades Blood Bowl team, this set of handsome dice in pearlescent black with green symbols (with a Chaos Renegades symbol in place of the 6) includes: 3x Blood Bowl Block dice 2x 6-sided dice 1x 8-sided dice 1x 16-sided dice“. Released May 2018.
GW Underworld Denizens Dice - 2018

„The perfect companion to the Underworld Denizens Blood Bowl team, this set of handsome dice in clear purple (that glow in the dark!), and feature Underworld Denizens team icons in place of the 6, includes: 3x Blood Bowl Block dice 2x 6-sided dice 1x 8-sided dice 1x 16-sided dice“. Released May 2018.
GW Chaos Chosen Dice - 2018

„The perfect companion to the Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl team, this set of handsome dice in red with black swirls, featuring white dots (with a Chaos Chosen symbol in place of the 6) includes: 3x Blood Bowl Block dice 2x 6-sided dice 1x 8-sided dice 1x 16-sided dice“. Released May 2018.
GW Dark Elf Dice - 2018

„The perfect companion to a Dark Elves Blood Bowl team, this set of handsome dice in Iridescent blue and purple with white markings, featuring white dots (with a Dark Elves icon in place of the 6) includes: 3 Blood Bowl Block dice, 2 6-sided dice, 1 8-sided die and 1 16-sided die“. Released August 2018.
Blitz Bowl Human Dice - 2018

The Human dice set, which come with the Gamebox of Blitz Bowl.
Released August 2018
Blitz Bowl Orc Dice - 2018

The Orc dice set, which come with the Gamebox of Blitz Bowl.
Released August 2018
GW Nurgle Team Dice - 2018

„The perfect companion to a Nurgle Blood Bowl team, this set of handsome(ish) dice in clear green with orange markings, featuring a Nurgle icon in place of the 6, includes: 3 Blood Bowl Block dice, 2 6-sided dice, 1 8-sided die and 1 16-sided die“. Released September 2018.
GW Undead Team Dice - 2018

A set of bone-coloured Blood Bowl marked with black pips that serve as the perfect companion to any Shambling Undead team. After all, they are rumoured to channel the Wind of Shyish into your dice rolling! 3 Blood Bowl Block dice, 2 6-sided dice, 1 8-sided die and 1 16-sided die. Released December 2018.
GW Halfling Team Dice - 2019

This set of iridescent green dice is the perfect accompaniment to a Halfling Blood Bowl team. The dice feature white markings, and the 6 face of the 6-sided dice has been replaced with a crossed knife and fork symbol. 3 Blood Bowl Block dice, 2 6-sided dice, 1 8-sided die and 1 16-sided die. Released June 2019.
GW Woodelf Team Dice - 2019

These dice will harmoniously blend with and enhance the atavistic allure of Woodelf team, accessories and Wood Elf pitch. Beautiful bronze dice with high-contrast green markings and the 6-sided dice feature the Wood Elf team icon on the 6. 3 Blood Bowl Block dice, 2 6-sided dice, 1 8-sided die and 1 16-sided die. Released July 2019.
GW Lizards Team Dice - 2019

These stunning turquoise dice with gold markings call that richness to mind, and match the team’s exotic decorations. The 6-sided dice feature the Lizardmen team icon on the 6. The set includes 3 Blood Bowl Block dice, 2 6-sided dice, 1 8-sided die and 1 16-sided die. Released October 2019. This set was sold out very fast.
Thx a lot, Rob from the USA, for sending me January 2020 this set as kind present for my website work! 🙂
GW Universal Red Blood Bowl - 2019

These are the Universal Red Blood Bowl dice with high-contrast white markings. The set includes 3 Blood Bowl Block dice, 2 6-sided dice, 1 8-sided die and 1 16-sided die. Released October 2019.
GW Ogre Team Dice - 2019

Ogre Team Dice set – released November 2019.
GW Snotling Team Dice - 2020

Snotlings have a… unique aesthetic. These translucent yellow-green dice look just like the substance that gave rise to the Crud Creek Nosepickers’ name! If you’re going to play Snotlings, you may as well go all in on the theme with this set of matching dice.
Released August 2020.