Games Workshop 6th Edition – Halfling Greenfield Grasshuggers
A Halfling team like the Greenfield Grasshuggers might not be the most competitive in the game, but they’re certainly one of the most fun.
This multipart plastic kit contains all the components to assemble the Greenfield Grasshuggers. It includes, with new positions miniatures, 2 Catchers and 2 Hefties and 8 Hopefuls, plus a roster sheet. Supplied with a transfer sheet, 2 sausage-wielding turn markers, 3 extra “balls”. Sculpted by ??? and released June 2019.
For this release there was no new team treeman, only a quite expensive Starplayer Treeman from Forgeworld. So, for a limited time, it was possible „to order to make“ the metal treeman of the 4th Edition, which comes in 3 rather large metal parts. Once sculpted by Mark Bedford.
Also for a limited time it was possible „to order to make“ the old metal Halfling Hot-Pot, which was used sometimes in the 3rd Edition time, too. Now the pot was revived as one of 3 possible Inducements for Halfling and Ogre teams in the Issue #5 of Spike!