Games Workshop 6th Edition Starplayers
Goblin Referee - 2016
Goblin Referee The January’s White Dwarf 2017 included a set of fun, optional rules for letting these pint-sized despots oversee the Blood Bowl matches. Sculpted by Mark Bedford and released December 2016.
Personal note: Those both Referees , produced by Forgeworld as a Limited Edition and coming as one set, were only to order for a limited time. Now they are already quite expensive collector items.
EDIT: In May 2019 it was possible to order „this duo of hungry halfling and greedy goblin referees as long as supplies last“. That´s to say about a Forgeworld Collector Limited Edition miniature… ! EDIT: This miniature returned again to sale on a Made to Order basis for a short time in December 2023.
Halfling Referee - 2016
Halfling Referee The January’s White Dwarf 2017 included a set of fun, optional rules for letting these pint-sized despots oversee the Blood Bowl matches. Sculpted by Mark Bedford and released December 2016.
Personal note: Those both Referees , produced by Forgeworld as a Limited Edition and coming as one set, were only to order for a limited time. Now they are already quite expensive collector items.
EDIT: In May 2019 it was possible to order „this duo of hungry halfling and greedy goblin referees as long as supplies last“. That´s to say about a Forgeworld Collector Limited Edition miniature… ! EDIT: This miniature returned again to sale on a Made to Order basis for a short time in December 2023.
Halfling & Goblin Referees - Made to Order - 2023
These miniatures returned again to sale on a Made to Order basis for a short time from 23rd of December 2023 until the 2nd of January 2024.
Grim Ironjaw - 2017
Grim Ironjaw is a particularly stocky example of Dwarf strength, with bulging muscles beneath a frankly glorious beard featuring plaited-in details (skulls! He has skulls in his beard!) His mohawk is tall, and his fist clutches a terrifying-looking blade – truly, he’s an all-crushing Slayer and a half. The rules for Grim Ironjaw can be found in Death Zone Season 1.
This resin miniature, sculpted by Nicolas Nyugen comes as 5 components. The miniature was released 16th June 2017.
Glart-Smashrip - 2017
The resin kit of this very large Skaven starplayer comes as 8 components and Glart’s rules can be found in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two!
Sculpted by Gav Newton and released July 2017.
Grombrindal - 2017
A Blood Bowl version of the famous White Dwarf called Grombrindal. Tales abound of his shrewd tactical advice on the field of battle; on the Blood Bowl pitch this translates to a mastery of team strategies and the ability to draw the very best out of the players around him.
Legendary heroes, this Star Player duo can be used in games of Blood Bowl as long as one player has a Dwarf, Halfling, Human or Norse team and the other has a Chaos Renegade, Goblin, Orc or Underworld Denizen team. They’re not hired in the same way as other Star Players and both must appear in your game.
The resin miniature, sculpted by Steve Whitehead, come as 8 components and was released 16th of June 2017. It comes in a package together with the Black Gobbo.
The Black Gobbo - 2017
The Black Gobbo is legendarily devious, as evidenced by his countless elaborate schemes to undermine the White Dwarf. Before he even thinks about setting foot on the pitch, it’s a given that he will have already established a web of bribery, hostage taking and other sneakiness that ensures the cooperation of the match officials.come
Legendary heroes, this Star Player duo can be used in games of Blood Bowl as long as one player has a Dwarf, Halfling, Human or Norse team and the other has a Chaos Renegade, Goblin, Orc or Underworld Denizen team. They’re not hired in the same way as other Star Players and both must appear in your game.
The resin miniature, sculpted by Steve Whitehead, come as 8 components and was released 16th of June 2017. It comes in a package together with the White Dwarf called Grombrindal.
Griff Oberwald - 2017
Griff Oberwald, ruggedly handsome and devastatingly quick Human Star Player, comes in 6 resin components. The rules for fielding Griff Oberwald are found as a Star Player card in the Blood Bowl boxed games, as well as in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season One.
This miniatures was sculpted by Nicolas Nyugen and produced as resin miniature by Forgeworld. Released March 2017.
Hakflem Skuttlespike - 2017
The two-headed Hakflem Skuttlespike, muscular and bedecked with spiky bits, is posed in an appropriately aggressive manner, both of his sharply toothed maws likely shrieking unintelligible threats at whichever poor opponent is in the way. Each of his four (count ‘em!) hands is ready to kill, with metal gloves and a spiked ball among the turmoil. Rules for this model can be found in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season One.
This resin kit sculpted by Mark Bedford produced by Forgeword was released June 2017 and comprises 10 components.
The Mighty Zug - 2017
Gifted with not only hefty bulk, strength and power but the ability to use them properly, The Mighty Zug is an expert at incapacitating opponents with a single swipe of his gigantic paw. A firm favourite with the fans despite (or because of) his brutish, ugly and stupid demeanour, he’s the Star Player of choice for Blood Bowl coaches who just want to get the job done. Nothing fancy – just a trail of smashed faces leading to victory.
This miniature was sculpted by Thom Hughes and produced as resin miniature by Forgeworld. Released February 2017.
Personal note: One of the best miniatures of the 6th Edition in my opinion.
Morg ‘N’ Thorg - 2017
A hulking brute of an Ogre Blocker, Morg ’N’ Thorg is something of a lumbering juggernaut. Nearly eight feet tall, bludgeoning his way through the opposition, he’s always a spectacle to watch out for on the pitch. Off the field, his frightening appearance disguises a truly gentle nature, making him a bizarre hit with children – on the pitch, however, he tramples anything that gets in his way, often simply handing the ball to one of his teammates and flinging them into the End Zone to score.
This big Ogre was sculpted by Mark Bedford and produced as resin miniature by Forgeworld. Released February 2017.
Varag Ghoul-Chewer - 2017
Unusually tactical and thoughtful, Varag Ghoul-Chewer is almost unique – an Orc Blitzer capable of making rudimentary strategic decisions! Dragged up into the big leagues and placed at the head of the Gouged Eye – the most famous Orc team currently playing – his sights are set on winning the Blood Bowl championship.
This big orc was sculpted by Mark Bedford produced as resin miniature by Forgeworld. Released February 2017.
Grak and Crumbleberry - 2017
A Forge World event or Warhammer World exclusive Star Player Ogre/Halfling combo team, with a unique special move: Kick Team Mate.
Grak was sculpted by Mark Bedford and Dave Thomas. Neil Langdown sculpted Crumbleberry. Released January 2017.
Personal note: I was very lucky to add those, a bit difficult to buy, miniatures into my collection. Thx, Andy, for buying and shipping them from Nottingham!
Josef Bugman - 2018
Josef Bugman has been an iconic character in Warhammer for decades, giving his name to the dwarven pub at Warhammer World. Josef Bugman predates even the White Dwarf, and could well lay a claim to being Warhammer’s longest-running named character.
This resin kit contains the 9components necessary to assemble 2 models. The first is Josef as coach, watching over his team – the second is Josef Bugman, Star Player, holding a ball aloft in his left hand and a foaming stein of XXXXXX in the other.
Sculpted by Nicolas Nguyen, first release at the Warhammer Fest 2018 and later, July 2018, released at Forgeworld onlinestore.
Eldril Sidewinder - 2018
Eldril Sidewinder has played Blood Bowl as long as most can remember, partly due to the incredibly long life span of his race, but mainly thanks to his sheer skill on the pitch. The secret of his success (and longevity) lies in his belonging to a singular class within Wood Elf and Sea Elf society – the Wardancers.
Sculpted by Tom Hughes. Released August 2018 at Forgeworld onlinestore.
Roxanna Darknail - 2018
As one of the Darkside Cowboys’ most successful players, Roxanna Darknail makes such a show of spilling the blood of her foes that it is rare indeed when she does not end a match with her skin slick with the blood of fallen opponents. And the fans love it, especially the cruel-hearted Dark Elves and other, equally mean-spirited types.
This multipart resin kit comes as 7 components necessary to assemble Roxanna Darknail, a Star Player for use in Dark Elf and Amazon Blood Bowl teams. She can be modelled either running with a ball, or with a spiked fist on her left hand.
Sculpted by Alex Dumillard and released September 2018 at Forgeworld onlinestore.
The Swift Twins - 2018
When it comes to Blood Bowl, the Swift twins have got it all: the looks, the charisma, the incredible outfits and, of course, the pure skill. These twins are a pair of Star Players for High Elf, Dark Elf and Elven Union Blood Bowl teams – they refuse to work alone, only as a pair.
This kit comes as 12 components, and is supplied with 2 32mm Blood Bowl bases.
Sculpted by Tom Hughes and released November 2018 at Forgeworld onlinestore.
Karla von Kill - 2019
Karla von Kill takes a day off from the family pig farm to watch some Blood Bowl at a local stadium with some friends and ended as a Star Player who can be included in the following teams: Amazon, Halfling, Human and Norse.
This multipart resin kit was sculpted by Tom Hughes and released January 2019 at Forgeworld onlinestore.
Helmut Wulf - 2019
Helmut Wulf, a unremarkable Lineman for the Bruendar Grimjacks, once volunteered to try out a risky new piece of equipment at his coach’s request. He picked up a chainsaw for the first time and a lifelong bond was forged. Helmut Wulf is a Star Player who can be included in the following teams: Amazon, Chaos Renegades, Human, Lizardmen, Norse and Vampire.
This multipart resin kit was sculpted by Steve Whitehead and released January 2019 at Forgeworld onlinestore.
Lord Borak the Despoiler - 2019
Lord Borak the Despoiler is one of Blood Bowl’s most popular Star Players – for his bone-crunching skills on the pitch and willing to offer his ultra-violent advice in his regular column ‚Ask Lord Borak‘ at Spike! Journal’s. On the pitch he is a player with a Strength to rival Big Guys and an Agility that means even ball-handling isn’t out of the question.
The miniature sees Borak giving a thumbs up to his adoring fans. Around his neck is his lucky set of talismans, displaying the symbols of the four Dark Gods and a Chaos Star. The 10-part resin miniature, sculpted by Kye Holt, is supplied with a resin Blood Bowl token, with Lord Borak’s icon on one side. Released May 2019.
Deeproot Strongbranch - 2019
Deeproot Strongbranch is one of the largest Big Guys available to any team, and the fact he stands with Halflings only makes him more impressive.
This finely-detailed resin model is supplied in 25 components, including a 40mm round base, for an engaging modelling challenge. Tiny details are tucked away in various nooks and crannies, hinting at both his venerable history, and the forests he calls home.
Sculpted by Kye Holt and released by Forgeworld June 2019 for a steep price of 50 euros (2019).
Willow Rosebark - 2019
Willow Rosebark excels as a Blocker on Wood Elf teams, where her skills make her surprisingly resilient in a team that’s generally not famous for it. Faster than a treeman, she adds flexibility to a Wood Elf or Halfling line-up, bringing some much-needed strength that can be where it’s needed to turn the tide of a match.
This resin model is supplied with 2 separate Spites which can be used to decorate her 32mm round base. Sculpted by Kye Holt and released July 2019 by Forgeworld.
Gloriel Summerbloom - 2020
Gloriel Summerbloom is famously whimsical and carefree, even for a Wood Elf! She revels in the beauty and grace of a well-played game with her almost supernatural throwing accuracy and agility on the pitch. Gloriel Summerbloom is exclusively available to play for Wood Elf teams.
This finely detailed resin model is supplied in 9 components, including a 32mm round base. Sculpted by ??? and released January 2020 by Forgeworld.