2008 Elf Team „Moguntia Sweeties“
This Gridiron Elf Team of the Australian miniatures company „Shadowforge“ was the first full non GW team which i painted. I bought the miniatures quite some time ago and started painting them while on a holiday 2003 in Cuba. Just after done the base colors i put them back on the shelfs and started 2008 again and finaly finished them, too! I played with this team first time at the Bemble Bowl 2008. At this tournament and the following „B7-Tournament“ the team made it into the Best Painted competitions.
As i wanted to play this team as Amazones i needed two additional blitzer, which i ordered directly from Australia. Just one week later i got them. This i call a good customer service ! Just a bit of arms cutting and sweeping and i got two new blitzers. I added also two more linewoman later. This is the reason, because those two are not fitting into my team base. To get two more different looking catchers i just bend the arms of the two orginal ones. Full conversions of those miniatures are difficult IMO.
The team showbase was build in the right size to fit into my travel-show-case and the show case at home as you can see in the last three pictures. That is also the reason i didnt build some gimmicks into the team base as everything has to fit into the showcases. Because of their height the cheerleaders and the catchers dont fit into the closed travel-showcase.