2016 Ogre Team „Moguntia All Blacks“
„Hungry Troll“ is a small spanish company and this Ogre team was the first Fantasy Football team, 3D sculpted by Sergi Torres, which this company produced.
Some greenstuffing and base-pining was necessary to assemble the big miniatures of this metal team. And quite a surprise… all „only one leg on the ground“ ogres keep standing without any extra base weights! Well sculpted!
First the skin was painted using this Andrea colors Skin paintset again. And, after watching a youtube movie about the New Zealand Rugby team „All Blacks“, i decided to paint this team… black. I started with the usual Vallejo and Citadel paints, but after a nice contact with the painter Axia i bought this recommanded black paintset of „Andrea Colors“. It works very well. Thx again, Giuseppe!
For the numbering of the miniatures… the Snotlings are so small and the armorshields on their backs are even smaller… i decided not to paint the numbers and to use decals of the US company „Microscale“, which i got here in Germany from a miniature railway onlineshop. I thought, it was easier to use decals… well, now i´m not so sure about it anymore. Quite some fiddling!
For the teambase i bought some different prefabricated wooden boards to choice from. I glued the „hole“ board on a thin metall plate and fixed this with magnets at the wooden board. So i can use the wooden board with different designed teambases as substructure for different teams. The surface was designed with the usual Citadel Agrellan Earth paint, some drybrushing layers, static gras and some turf.
It is indeed a very nice team to paint with this contrast between large and very small miniatures.
Later i added the Ogre reporter, produced also by Hungry Troll.