Hello and Welcome
Hello everybody …
over the last years my old travel website changed from a site only showing my travel pictures into a Bloodbowl Archive for the Blood Bowl miniatures. And I´m proud, that my archive and the pictures of my collection are now used worldwide as one of the reference sites for collectors and players of this tabletop game.
In October 2004, after reaching nearly 10.000 hits at my old website, i decided, after getting some inquiries of visitors of my website… ( yes, thats you, the TBB/TFF/NAF members !) … to open another website only for our Blood Bowl Hobby !
15.12.2016 -added some nice dice of the Swedish DOUBT tournaments into the European dice section.
sections.13.12.2016 -added the new GW BB dice and some other tournament dice into the dice sections.
09.12.2016 -After the delivery of the gamebox, which contains the new Orc and Human team, i added both teams into the 6th Edition / BB2016 section.
26.11.2016 -And the new Blood Bowl was released at 25th of November 2016. 🙂 I still waiting for the gamebox, which contains the new Orc and Human team. But i already added the new Skaven team into the new 6th Editon of GW Blood Bowl miniatures.
22.10.2016 – a smaller update. I corrected some infos and added some more miniatures of the Chaos Cup Tournament 🙂
19.10.2016 – some more updates and additions. 🙂 I added the Greebo Un-Renaissance 2016 team, updated the Shadowforge Human Classics, added the Shadowforge Nun Team into the BB projects section and devided the dice section even into more pages.
03.07.2016 – a bigger update this time. I re-organised the dice page at the collector stuff section and divided the old single dice page into different dice pages. Still not finished as i wait for more informations and comments about the dice now.
21.06.2016 – added a update of the Horned Frogs team into the Roll Jordan section. Some more additional miniatures of the 2014 Edition.
20.06.2016 – added a Kaos team into the Meiko Miniatures section
15.05.2016 – Added the „whites“ of Star Bowl into the Fantasy Football Miniatures section.
08.05.2016 – Added the „whites“ of Starplayer Amazones into the Fantasy Football Miniatures section.
01.05.2016 – Added also the „whites“ of Willy Miniatures Amazones into the Fantasy Football Miniatures section.
30.04.2016 -added the „making of“ of the „All Black“ Ogres into the BB projects section. Added also the „whites“ of Willy Miniatures Vampires, too.
28.04.2016 -another small update for the Meiko Goblins with some more secret weapon miniatures.
12.04.2016 – added a Kaos Pact team into the Meiko Miniatures section and updated the Meiko Orcs and Meiko Goblins with some secret weapon miniatures.
12.04.2016 – updated the Tournament section with picts of the Dungeon Bowl 2016.
22.12.2015 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the Un-Renaissance Team from Greebo Games.
25.11.2015 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the Ratmen Team from Meiko Miniatures and the Ogre Team from Hungry Troll.
25.05.2015 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the Goblin Team from Willy Miniatures.
03.04.2015 – updated the Tournament section with the pictures of the Dungeon Bowl 2015 at Duesseldorf, Germany.
31.12.2014 – added the painted Virgil Dwarves Team. Now at the FF Project section.
30.12.2014 – added the painted Willy Miniatures Vampire Team. Now at the FF Project section.
16.09.2014 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the Orcs in Uniform from Greebo Games.
14.09.2014 – added the painted Greebo Volmarian Team. Now at the FF Project section.
10.09.2014 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the Dwarves from Virgil Games.
10.07.2014 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the Kaos Dwarves from Meiko Miniatures.
04.07.2014 – updated the Tournament section with the pictures of the B7 Tournament 2014 at Boeblingen, Germany.
19.03.2014 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with some Support miniatures of the Lizard Team from Meiko Miniatures.
18.03.2014 – updated the Tournament section with the pictures of the 11th Dungeon Bowl 2014 at Duesseldorf, Germany.
07.03.2014 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the Orc Team from Meiko Miniatures.
20.02.2014 – added the painted Greebo Sno Team. Now at the FF Project section.
20.02.2014 – added the painted WM Halflings. Now at the FF Project section.
18.01.2014 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the Halflings Imperial Team from Willy Miniatures.
27.10.2013 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the Goblin team from Meiko Miniatures.
27.10.2013 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the Halflings Ultimate Team from Willy Miniatures.
10.09.2013 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the Lizards team from Meiko Miniatures.
02.08.2013 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the new Kaos Team from Willy Miniatures. Great miniatures !!!
01.08.2013 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the new Ogres team from Meiko Miniatures. Thx, Alex! 🙂
05.04.2013 – added the „Thunder Hammer Dwarves“ Team from Impact into the Fantasy Football Miniatures section.
05.04.2013 – added some more dice at BB Tournament Dice section (Collector stuff). Thx for the help and the informations about some dice !
03.04.2013 – updated the Fantasy Football Miniatures section with the new Nurgle team from Meiko Miniatures. Thx, Alex! 🙂
17.03.2013 – updated the Tournament section with the pictures of the 10th Dungeon Bowl 2013 at Duesseldorf, Germany.
26.01.2013 – updated the 3rd Edition section with new pictures, too. (FLASH-Galleries!!).
08.01.2013 – updated a part of the Collectorstuff section (FLASH-Galleries!!). Now nearly all of my Tournament miniatures are shown at this new „Tournament miniatures“-section. For now i will show only the miniatures i really own myself.
For some tournaments i got a few miniatures over the years. These are the Sub-Galleries like „B7“. The „only-one tournament-miniatures“ you can find at the „Lots of other tournaments“.
I added as much informations i know about each miniature. If you find a mistake or something i maybe could add, please contact me. I will try to fix it. 🙂
30.12.2012 – ARGH! – re-added all the old HTML-Galleries of 1th, 4th and 5th GW Editions again for the poor iPad-users. 😉 You can reach those old pictures again using the sitemap-html-link, which i added at the startpage below the Flash menu. The 2nd and 3th Editions were not updated yet.
If you want to see the new picts of those updated GW galleries and the Fantasy Football Miniatures you will have to use the Flash menu at the left side or the sitemap-Flash-link below left to the Flash-Pictures-Galleries!
26.12.2012 added two new teams at Impact!-Miniatures section.
18.12.2012 updated the sitemap now, too 🙂
17.12.2012 Ok… a major update 🙂
Here some changes:
– I´m using now a flashscripted menu. I hope, this works for everybody now?!
– The 1th, 4th and 5th Edition got new pictures, which i took all new using my fancy Miniature-Photostudio with a blue background for better quality. I´m using now this new webgallery for all the new pictures, too. The new pictures of the 2th and 3th Edition will follow in the next weeks or months.
– I reorganised the Fantasy Football Miniatures section and add lot of pictures. I divided this section into the different Miniature companies. I got still more minis i have to add, but there are already lot of nice teams to see. For this section i will use mostly white primed miniatures pictures as i was ask for it for better reference viewing. My painted miniatures mostly will be at the Fantasy-Football-Project-section.
– Next section i want to reorganised will be the Collector stuff section. Especial the Tournament and Limited Edition miniatures. Quite a lot of picture taking and checking for informations will be necessary 😉
I hope, everything will work now…
23.07.2012 added some more dice and divided the dice section into GW/NAF dice and Custommade dice section.
07.07.2012 added the pictures of the B7 Tournament 2012 at the tournament section.
18.03.2012 added the pictures of the Dungeon Bowl 2012 at the tournament section.
15.02.2012 the hit counter showed the 100.000 hits/Visitor mark!! Visitors from 46 countries visited my website. Thx a lot for all the input, help and friendly comments. 100.000 hits maybe looks not much compared to some youtube-videos, but with in this little special community its quite much. IMO. 🙂
11.02.2012 added some new dice at the collector´s stuff/dice-page. I just forgot some informations about some dice. I will try to ask the right people about them.. 😉
09.01.2012 exchanged my email adress at the contact page into my new email adress. The old one is still working, but i will move to Googlemail at the end.
10.07.2011 added download links for the „Blood Bowl competion Rules“and the three new teams data at the history page.
04.07.2011 added the pictures of the B7 Tournament 2011 at the Tournament section.
22.05.2011 corrected some links at the link sections. Added some links into the sitemap, too.
29.03.2011 added the pictures of the Dungeon Bowl 2011 at the tournament section.
21.12.2010 added two new links into the Useful links section. Willy-miniatures and RN-estudio.
26.11.2010 added the pictures of some dice which i got over the last months at the Collector stuff dice-page. Also added finaly the newest two GW Starplayer 5.ed and repaired the Useful BB-links.
17.07.2010 added the pictures of my „Chaos All Stars“ Team. But not all minis painted yet…
03.07.2010 added the pictures of my Neomics Goblin Team „Pink Panthers“ into the BB-Projects-section. 🙂
01.07.2010 added the pictures of the B7 Tournament 2010 at the tournament section.
25.05.2010 added the pictures of the Bembel Bowl 2010 at the tournament section.
19.04.2010 updated also the sitemap now with the new updated pages.
12.04.2010 rebuilded the Useful links-section. Added some new links with banners now and removed quite a lot of now dead links.
08.04.2010 added the pictures of two dice sets, which i got from the spanish onlinestore Comixininos. Thanks, Alex, for the discount ! 🙂
02.04.2010 added the pictures of the Dungeon Bowl 2010 at the tournament section. Also trying a new Flash webgallery design this way while using Adobe CS4.
13.01.2010 exchanged the picture on the left side.
It´s now more up to date! 😉
11.01.2010 just added some minor updates on the collector stuff section. Added two new LE minis and thx to Jori for some informations about older minis!
23.08.2009 added the missing photos of the Horned Frogs at the Fantasy Footbowl section.
05.07.2009 added the photos of the B7 Tournament at the BB tournament section.
01.06.2009 added the photos of the Bembel Bowl 2009 at the BB tournament section. Added also some new dice, too.
16.05.2009 added a new page for Roll Jordan miniatures at the Fantasy Footbowl section. Also added there the “ Horned Frog Team“. Also prepared links for the other two Shadowforge team i own already and just have to take pictures from.
27.11.2008 added the painted 5.ed human team “ Moguntia-06″ into the projects page.
19.11.2008 updated the menusystem and added some more links of pages, which are still under construction…
11.10.2008 some additions to the collector stuff ! Added some new specials at the special miniatures page. And added the NAF trophy into the trophy-page !! 🙂
18.09.2008 got the GW BB Human Coach today and added the picture at the Collector Stuff sections.
15.09.2008 added a few new limited editon miniatures and some dice, too, at the Collector Stuff sections.
31.08.2008 added the „Moguntia Sweeties“, a Shadowforge Team, at the BB-Projects-page.
23.08.2008 added the quite a few pictures and information of the tournament miniatures and dice at the collector section.
14.08.2008 start of the re-organisation of the collector stuff pages. Added some more pictures of tournament miniatures, too. Still at work.
02.07.2008 added the pictures of the B7 tournament 2008 and added the 4Diamonds dice at the dice page.
26.06.2008 added some dice at the dice section after the B7 tournament.
22.05.2008 finaly updated the dice section with some new dice.
15.05.2008 checked the website for broken links and did some small corrections.
07.05.2008 added the pictures of the „Bembel Bowl“ tournament into Tournament section…
05.03.2008 added the pictures of the „Dungeon Bowl 2008 “ tournament into Tournament section…
04.09.2007 added the pictures of the „Bubble 2007 “ tournament into Tournament section…
03.07.2007 added the pictures of the “ B7 2007 „tournament into Tournament section…
14.03.2007 added the pictures of the “ Dungeon Bowl 2007 “ Tournament into Tournament section…
06.09.2006 added the pictures of the “ Bubble 2006 “ Tournament into Tournament section…
07.07.2006 added a new pict of myself here… I got longer hairs now. 🙂
20.07.2006 added the picts of the B7 2006 tournament and corrected the menu applet.
19.07.2006 new JAVA-menu applet as the old one wasnt good enough anymore… not enough space ! 😉
07.06.2006 added the pictures of the Bemble Bowl 2006 at the tournament section.
23.03.2006 added the pictures of the Dungeon Bowl 2006 at the tournament section.
21.02.2006 added the pictures of the Dutch Open2006 at the tournament section.
25.01.2006 After a long time another small update at the BB-Coins-page.
18.09.2005 Updated the Blood Bowl coins page at the Collector´s section and added a new Blood Bowl pins page.
17.09.2005 Updated the Blood Bowl dice page at the Collector´s section with some new dice i got the last time.
13.09.2005 Some repairs.. thx David for this hint about the missing pict ! And a new pict of myself at the Bubble 2005.
10.09.2005 finaly another update. Added the picts of the Bubble 2005 Tournament.
10.07.2005 added the picts of the new GW Human Team into the 5.Edition section.
07.07.2005 added the picts of the B7 Tournament Böblingen.
08.03.2005 added the picts of the DungeonBowl 2005 Tournament.
26.02.2005 added the Skeleton with Chainsaw into the 5.ed Secret weapon section.
20.02.2005 i exchanged some picts of the GD2003 Troll and Ogre as i took some picts in a better quality.
12.02.2005 added the 5.Edition Darkelf with poison blades and the LE Amstredam Werwolf of the Dutch Open 2005.
10.02.2005 added the picts of the Dutch Open 2005 at the Tournament section.
25.01.2005 added the new Skaven with poison blades at the secret weapons 5.ed section.
25.01.2005 added the BB pin and the metal BB balls at the collector´s stuff section. Now Ok, Narkotic ? 😉 Remove the upcoming releases link at the menu … not much left for this anyway.
09.01.2005 corrected a missing pict of the Dungeon Bowl trophy.
31.12.2004 added a link to a sitemap at the start page for the visitors with problems with the Java applet menu! Now direct links to the single pages ! I hope, that will help some people ! 🙂
Added a pict of the whole Chaos Cup team at the LE Chaos Cup miniatures Page. Thx Galak ! 🙂
27.12.2004 added the a new page for the miniatures from Heresy at the Fantasy footbowl section. Just two mini right now… but soon more, i guess . 🙂
21.12.2004 added the a new page for the two limited edition miniatures from Goblinforge at the Fantasy footbowl section.
19.12.2004 added the new secret weapon Bomber Dwarf 5.Edition.
12.12.2004 added a new page of 5.Edition Secret Weapons with the new Deathroller and the new Dwarf Chainsaw. Also added a new page for Galak´s Chaos Cup Edition at the collectors section.
03.11.2004 added Hubris Rakarth of the 5.Edition.
27.10.2004 added the scans of the Khemri skeletons from TBB Bonehead ! Thanks again, Heiko !
24.10.2004 added the first Shadowforge Team still unpainted ones) at the Fantasy Football section.
21.10.2004 Corrected even more wrong links and started to translate some more German parts into English. Thanks again for the feedback 🙂
18.10.2004 Corrected some mistakes. Added more and different link pages. Repaired some broken links. Thanks for the hints 🙂
17.10.2004 Test start of the new site. Still some pages to translate, some pages to add or still under construction. But i want to test it … now ! 🙂
28.09.2004 added the Spike!2004 coin at the BB coins page. Also the alternative heads of the new Varag and Griff minis are shown now at the 5.ed special minis page.
05.09.2004 quite a update. 🙂 Added the “ making of “ of my GD2004 Orc.
01.09.2004 small update of the 5.ed special minis: Added the new Jordell Freshbreeze miniature.
30.07.2004 updated the BB Coins Page again. This time with the B7 Tournament Coin. Thanks a lot for this nice present, Tbb Frank ! Next year i will try to visit your tournament ! 🙂
15.07.2004 updated the BB Coins Page with the BB04 Coin… “ hardly“ two month after the tournament i finaly got this coin !!
10.07.2004 updated the BB History with the BB Handbook and the DungeonBowl Compedium.
02.07.2004 added the “ lost “ Allstar miniature at the “ most Rare section“, found by TBB Narkotic. Thanks again for the pict !
25.06.2004 corrected the Treemen 2.ed. Thanks to TBB narkotic for the information.
23.06.2004 added the missing Vampire #3. Thanks to TBB Ithilkir for sending me this mini from UK. 🙂 Now i should have all BB minis on display !
16.06.2004 added the a Blood bowl dices page at the BB rare and unusual section.
20.05.2004 added the missing Pro Elf 2th Thrower 5.ed.
20.05.2004 added the “ making of“ of my Blood bowl Dugout
15.05.2004 New section of BB tournements and added the picts of the Blood Bowl Tournement of Nottingham.
14.05.2004 Added the pict of the Blood Bowl Troll 5.Edition
12.05.2004 Added the pict of the alternate Vampire Lord of the Vampire team. Thanks to Steve B and Fanatics 🙂
31.03.2004 Second version of the Kroxigor ( Lizard Team) and the 5.ed Griff and Varag added.
21.03.2004 Exchange some picts of the Nurgle Rotters.
03.03.2004 Ramtut III and Khemri Cheerleader added.
02.03.2004 Picts of the Dungeon Bowl 2004 coin are online, too.
01.03.2004 Picts of the Dungeon Bowl 2004 are online …. fast enough ? 🙂
22.02.2004 Added the “ Making of “ of the Street Bowl Pitch.
19.02.2004 Added the “ Plastics Minis 3.ed “ page. But not all minis on show … sorry !
18.02.2004 Added the “ Blood Bowl Coins“ page
17.02.2004 Added the “ making of “ of the Troll for the Gamesday Orc team.
14.02.2004 Added the pict of the 5.ed Ogre Cheerleader
09.02.2004 Added the picts of the Dutch Open 2004 Blood Bowl Tournement .
04.01.2004 Finaly finished the Ecuador – Tour 2002 page… picts are online.
02.01.2004 Added the page and the picts of my last Holiday-Tour. The Cuba page is online 🙂
16.12.2003 added the Vampire Team 5.Edition, including the Cheerleader and also the Necromantic Team Cheerleader.
05.10.2003 finaly i got my order from MO and now the 5.ed Elfen team is online, too. I added also the painted 5.ed Starplayer Zara The Slayer.
28.9.2003 most of the links to the detail picts of my GD Orc Team are working now…
21.9.2003 first part of my “ Making of “ pages of my Gamesday Orcteam are online. Sorry, still not all working.
12.9.2003 reorganised the 5.ed Section. Now the Nurgle and the Ogre team belong to 5.ed Section. Renamed the Necromancer team into Necromantic Team. Add the second painted (!) Khemri Mummy. Add Halfling catapult on Halfling 3.ed page.
11.9.2003 Add a 5.ed BB Section with some minis like the new mino and the new Necromancer Team. Add a new most rare BB items page. Add a picture gallery of the Tournement “ Morg´s Mannheim Massaker.“ Next will be the GD orcteam page…
25.8.2003 I got the last of the old BB minis … no more searching for „old“ BB minis. And i added a first part of the Games Day 2003 page with my winning Orcteam.
15.7.2003 Added the “ Plastics “ minis of the 2.Edition
28.6.2003 Hehooo, now the original “ Spike! “ trophy. At my site, too.
13.6.2003 Added the „TBB legacy Team 2003“ page.
8.6.2003 Another ogre 4.ed primed and added to the ogre page. Snotling 2.ed player numbers corrected… thanks to „extreme“ from TBB.
25.5.2003 The picts of the Lizards 4.ed added.
22.5.2003 The last 2.ed mini, the Chaosdwarf #6, added. The trophies of the Blood Bowl Trophies Pack online.
15.5.2003 The Bloodbowl History part updated. Some BB mags and Annuals added.
14.5.2003 again more 4.ed minis online: Some Ogre 4.ed. And some 3.ed Highelves, which i got finaly.
21.4.2003 more 4.ed minis online: The Khemri mummies, 4.ed Starplayers and the rare GD Lizard team.
12.4.2003 After finishing the 2.ed and 3.ed team I m bringing the 4.ed teams online. This time the amazones.
06.4.2003 3.ed team, Chaosdwarfs, online. Beast of Nurgle pict online, too.
30.3.2003 3.ed team, Darkelfs, online
27.3.2003 First 4. ed team, the Nurgle´s Rotter, online… unpainted.
23.3.2003 Skaven 3.ed , unpainted, online
14.3.2003 Another 3.ed Team, unpainted, online: The Undeads 3.ed
9.3.2003 Better picts of 1.ed minis are online.
7.3.2003 The Chaos 3.ed Team, unpainted, is online. Exchange of the unpainted Halflings 3.ed for painted ones. 🙂
4.3.2003 The Humans 3.ed Team, unpainted, is online.
28.2.2003 The Norse 3.ed Team is online,too.
27.2.2003 Some new 3.ed Team are online: Goblins, Highelves, Woodelven and Halflings. Some painted, some not. And i corrected the missing Darkelf thrower 2.ed. Thx for the info, slup !
22.2.2003 The Dwarfs 2.Edition are now online. These minis are in work right now. But with this team i got all 2.Edition minis online. As i hope ! 🙂
20.2.2003 The Orcs 3.Edition are online, too. Maybe not the best painted, but still some painted minis at last.
18.2.2003 Finaly i got three more 2.ed BB minis today and so my Skaven and Goblin Teams of the 2.Edition are complet. Also i got this rare Goblin Starplayer showing his teeth 🙂
13.2.2003 Added my last missing treeman of the 2.Edition. Now i got all Big Guys of this edition 🙂
9.2.2003 Added the first team of the 3.edition … the painted Dwarf team